Monday, January 25, 2010

People with Celiac Disease can Declare their "Gluten Free Food" as a Tax Deduction

If you have Celiac Disease you can write off your Gluten Free Food on your Taxes.

IRS Publication #502
Click on this link to get the publication, then click on Publ 502

Medical Expenses are the cost of diagnosis, cure, mitigation, treatment or prevention of disease and the costs of effecting any part or function of the body.
If you qualify you can deduct the difference between normal food and gluten free food.

You have to save all your receipts and have a certified letter and a prescription from your doctor. The letter has to say that it is medically necessary to eat gluten-free foods.

For a more detailed list look at this link from

This is not tax advice. I am just passing the information on. Talk to your tax professional to get your best information.

Coming up next from Lisa's Gluten Free, my next post...
"How to eat Healthy and Gluten Free"
Lisa's Gluten Free Advice and Healthy Living

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