Sunday, January 3, 2010

Lisa's Top 10 Gluten Free and Healthy Living 2010 Goals

Lisa's 2010 Goals

1. Stick to eating my Gluten Free, Sugar Free and Dairy Free Meal Plan (notice I didn't say diet, it is a life-style change). Eat more veggies fruit and get that protein in. That would also include fixing healthy meals for my family.

2. Learn more about Blogging and Internet Marketing. (Finding Creative and Interesting things to write about that everyone would enjoy reading).

3. Loose more weight and don't over eat.

4. Exercise more. Join the local Community Center for My Family and I.

5. Drink 8 - 10, 8oz. glass of water a day, more is better.

6. Take my Multi-vitamins/minerals, EFA, Garlic, Probiotics, Digestive Enzymes daily. As well as my medications which I hope to be able to cut down on as I loose more weight and get more healthy.

7. See my Nature Path on a regular basis and stick to what she tells me to do.

8. Go to my monthly Gluten Intolerance Group for Support (GIG).
This is a great Support Group. Gluten Intolerance Group

9. Learn more Gluten Free, Sugar Free and Dairy Free Recipes and
experiment with making my own Gluten Free, Sugar Free, Diary Free Recipes.

10. Support my Husband in His Goals for the New Year.

11. Work-Out a good Family Schedule so that we can do all the things we need to do and want to do in our daily lives.

12. Teach our son the things he needs to learn and to have more fun with him. (He is Four years old now). As well as spend more time with my family and friends.

May all of you have a Safe and Happy New Year.

I would like to encourage you to make your own Goal list for 2010.
It will give you a picture of what you want to focus on for the year.

Also make yourself a "Vision Board". Put together some pictures and label them on a cork board or as a wall paper on your computer. Pictures of things that are important to you and pictures of your Goals for the year. And put pictures of your dreams on your vision Board. It will help you to keep your focus on what you want to do as well as remind yourself of what you have to be Thankful in your life. And say positive things to yourself.

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