Saturday, January 9, 2010

Gluten Free Bread Review

I tried Bob's Red Mill Gluten-Free Home Made Wonderful Bread Mix last night. It was very yummy. It does have sugar in it, in the form of evaporated cane juice. And it seems to stay nice and moist. It is not real dense like allot of other Gluten Free Bread's that I have tried so far.

I am getting to a funny part, which did not seem so funny at the time.
I was letting it cool on the counter top. I was busy on the computer and the next thing I know I look-up and my four year old had feed half of the bread to the dogs. Ohhhhhh. It was so good too. LOL. I will just have to get more later.

How many of you have funny stories like that about kids and dogs?
I would love to hear your stories.

I am going to make my home made chicken vegetable soup tonight. I will tell you how it turns out later. I will take a picture of it too to show to you.
It is very good.

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