Saturday, February 27, 2010

Sunshine Award


Thank-you so much to Kristi at Moms Own Words Blog.

She gave me this wonderful award. Please check out her blog.

She is a Freelance Writer, Blogger and does Reviews.

The rules for accepting this award are simple, link to the person who gave it to you, and pass it on to 12 other people who bring you sunshine. Please visit these wonderful women and their great blogs.

Whitney  Whit's Kitch 

Friday, February 26, 2010

Friday Follow #7

It is time for Friday Follow #7 and Follow Me Fridays.

Join in. Just add your URL Below.
When you visit a blog just leave a comment telling them you are from Friday Follow.
Follow them and they will follow you back.

Host Websites
Midday Escapades
Hearts Make Families
One 2 Try

Host Website for Follow Me Fridays.

The Trendy Treehouse

A Week in Review.
Bob's Red Mill on the News
Gluten-Free Baked Chicken with Vegetables
Only one week left to enter my Giveaway.
UPrinting Giveaway

I want to thank all my new followers from last week, it has been great getting to know you. And I continue to look forward to getting to know you better. It is good to make friends.
I look forward to getting to know my new followers this week, this is so much fun.

Have a great weekend.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bob's Red Mill on the News

Here is a great story, you have to read this.

This is what giving is all about.

Bob's Red Mill makes the News.

Read the article at ABC News
Way to go!! Thank-you Bob.

I love the products. Now I have an even bigger reason to love the company.

Bob gives his company to his employees.

Watch the video at Celiac in the News

Bob's Red Mill produces more than 400 products, including a full line of certified gluten-free products and an extensive line of certified organic products.

Check out Bob's Red Mill

Do you have a Blog? Add it to "Top 100 Blogs and Websites".

After you check out this interesting story come back to my website for more useful information.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Baked Chicken with Vegetables

Here is one of my families favorite dinners. Baked Chicken with Vegetables.

1 whipped Egg in a cereal bowl.
1 cup of Brown Rice Flour on a plate.
Salt, Pepper and Garlic Powder to Taste mixed in with the brown rice flour.
4 - 6 pieces of Chicken Breast.

Dip the Chicken in the egg and then in the flour mixture.

Place the chicken in a 9 x 13 cake pan that has 2 tbsp. Olive Oil and Butter.
(The Flour soaks up the olive oil and butter)

Cover with ten foil. (uncover chicken the last 10 minutes so that the chicken can get brown on top).
Bake 350 Degrees for 30 - 40 minutes or until chicken is no longer pink inside.

Serve with Steamed Vegetables and a Salad and enjoy.

Check out this Gluten-Free Magazine.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Friday Follow

I was sent an e-mail about this "Friday Follow".

Every Friday you go to one of these 3 host websites and Link up your blog name and URL using the MckLinky (only need to add to one blog linky). It is a way to get more blog followers and to follow other interesting blogs.

Follow as many blogs you like.
Comment on the blogs telling them you are from Friday Follow.
Follow back when you get a new follower from Friday Follow.

Host Websites
Midday Escapades
Hearts Make Families
One 2 Try

It sounds like allot of fun, so I am joining in. Please feel free to join in also.

Don't Forget to enter my giveaway. Winner to be announced March 5th.
UPrinting Giveaway

And check out my Gluten-Free Hawaiian Pizza Recipe

Have a great weekend.

Thursday, February 18, 2010

UPrinting Giveaway

UPrinting has offered me a giveaway for my blog.
Now Closed.
Winner: Nicole-Lynn of Seaside Smitten


Stickers are a great way to promote your blog or your business.
Use them as address labels, event stickers, campaign giveaways, the list could go on. Channel your creativity and come up with unique sticker designs.

The Prize includes:

250 Stickers/Labels for One lucky winner.
Sizes: 2" x 3.5" , 2"x4" or 3"x3"
Paper: 70 pound Label Matte
Specifications: Full color front, blank back; 6 Business Day Printing.
Shipping: FREE UPS Ground Shipping
Eligibility: Limited to US Residents Only.

Custom Stickers

Label Printing

Here is how you can enter:

1. Subscribe to my RSS Feed.
2. Follow me on Twitter
3. Write a blog post about this Giveway on your blog and link back to me and to UPrinting.
4. Twitter about this giveaway.
5. Like me on Facebook.
(note you have to be logged into facebook to see my link there).
6. Add your blog to Top 100 Blogs and Websites
7. Check out my Squidoo Lens. Squidoo

That gives you 7 entries in to this giveaway.

Leave one comment for each entry.
Include the Links to your Post and or Twitter.

The Winner will be announced on March 5th.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Gluten-Free Hawaiian Pizza

Here is an easy Gluten-Free Hawaiian Pizza to put together. And the crust has no sugar in it.

I bought bag of "Namaste Foods Gluten-Free Pizza Crust Mix". It makes two 14" crusts.

The instructions are to mix 1 1/2 cups of the Pizza Crust Mix with
1 tsp oil and 1 1/4 cups water.
Then beat with electric mixer for 3 minutes and the consistency will be that of cake batter.

Scrape the batter onto a greased pizza pan and spread it to at least 14 inches.
Then Bake at 450 degrees for 20 minutes.
When I took it out of the oven it had risen about a 1/2 inch.

Take it out of the oven.
Spread half of a small jar of Organic Pasta Sauce. (6 oz worth).
5 oz. of Canadian Style Bacon.
1 can of sliced black olives. (6 oz.)
1/2 can of Pineapple Chunks. (10 oz. worth)
1/2 oz of both Shredded Cheddar Cheese and Mozzarella Cheese. (a little more or less)
For those of you that can't have dairy products, you can use cheese alternatives.
Example, Almond Cheese for one.

Then put the Pizza back in the oven for 15 minutes at 450 degrees.

Take out of the oven, slice it up and enjoy.

I tell you it was very yummy. I wasn't sure what to expect from this Pizza Crust Mix, but it turned out really, really good.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mixes from the Heartland Review

Lisa’s Review on “Mixes in the Heartland"

I tried a couple of the products that “Mixes in the Heartland” sent me.

The meal above is their “Texas Goulash Meal”.
I browned some hamburger in a frying pan. In a big pot added water, beef broth and crushed tomatoes. When the meat was done cooking I drained off grease. Then all I had to do is add the beef to the liquid mixture and add the packet . Pretty Easy. This particular mix is on the spicy side. But it tasted very yummy. This mix makes a big pot, so for those of you who are single can store half of it in the freezer.

Rice n Raisin Pudding Mix

This mix is called “Rice-N-Raisin Pudding Mix”

This one all I had to do is combine Milk (I used Rice Milk) and Eggs.
Then add the mixture and pour it into a 9x13 pan and let it bake for an hour. Very easy. This one has sugar in it, but it is very yummy. Mixes in the Heartland does carry gluten-free, sugar-free products as well. My husband said while he was eating his second helping said “I don’t like it at all”. I thought he was serious, but as I looked up at him he was smiling. He was teasing me again, like he always does. LOL. My husband loves to tease people. He said he liked it.

“Mixes from the Heartland” is a facility free of wheat, soy, barley, oats, eggs, nuts and by products. They are located in Amarillo, Texas. They ship to people all over.

Mixes From The Heartland Inc.

All in all I give this company a 2 Thumbs up. These mixes make it very easy and quick to make. And most of all they are very yummy. I highly recommend them.

This week my Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free Brownie Recipe is featured on What can I eat that's gluten-free?

Here is video that you are welcome to watch. It is on Making a Gluten-Free Flour Mixture.

Have a Wonderful Valentine’s Day,
Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Top 100 Gluten-Free Blogger Sites

I have created a Link Exchange for "Top 100 Food & Health Blogs".
(note: the name of the site has changed)

Click on this link and add your blog.

Top 100 Food & Health Blogs

Please add your blog. Get those back links in.
You don't necessarily have to blog about gluten-free,
you just need to be a blogger. You are welcome to add your link too.

Here is a gluten-free video for you to watch.
Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free Pie Video

I am going to add a video link to my posts every once in awhile.
It will give you more ideas on how to cook gluten-free.

Be sure and come back to my website. I will be doing a product review soon on one of the samples that "Mixes in the the Heartland" sent me.
Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living

Have a wonderful week.
I love to hear those comments.

I am always looking for a guest blogger.
If you are interested send me an e-mail or post it in a comment.
Lisa's E-Mail Address

Friday, February 5, 2010

Mixes from the Heartland


I just received some free samples from Mixes from the Heartland.
Only these are not just samples they are the same size mixes that they send to people when they order.
I wasn't expecting to receive such a generous gift from them.

Thank-you "Mixes from the Heartland", I really appreciate it.

They sent me:
Rice-n-Raisin Pudding Mix
Texas Goulash Meal
Plain Noodle Mix
Cowboy Soup
Raspberry Pound Cake

So keep a look out, because I am going to writing product reviews on them one at a time, as I make them.
They look really good, I can't wait to try them.

Thank-you to all of you that have been receiving my e-mails and my readers. I really appreciate you.

Please leave me some great comments. I love to read them and make new friends.
Have a wonderful weekend and take care.
Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Renegade Kitchen

You got to check out this website. I love it. I wanted to share it with you.

Renegade Kitchen
Serious Food for the Allergy Bound.

He has cooking videos, recipes and a blog.
It is nice to see someone cooking gluten-free and sugar-free and it is very informative.

Renegade Kitchen

When you are done checking it out come back to my website for more resources.
Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Gluten Free Tuna Casserole

This is a variation on my tuna casserole I used to make way back when.

1 package (16oz.) Brown Rice Pasta Spirals  Boil about 6 cups of water and pour in the pasta and cook till tender. Then drain the water and rinse off.

3 packets Road's End Organics Alfredo Sauce Mix  In a separate pan boil 1 1/2 cups of water and pour in the packets of Alfredo Sauce Mix, mix until smooth and thick. (Instead of alfredo sauce you could add red sauce or you can make your own sauce with Rice Milk and Brown Rice Flour and spices).

In a Big Bowl
1 can of Mixed Vegetables
1 can of Tuna Fish (or you could use chicken or ground beef).
Add Salt, Pepper and Garlic to taste.

Mix in your Pasta and your sauce.
Top it off with Parmesan Cheese or Cheddar Cheese.
Serve and Enjoy.

Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living