Friday, September 30, 2011

Gluten Free Cake

Have you ever heard of gluten? If you are a celiac disease patient, then you should have heard it millions of times. But if you are not person who is suffering from such disease, you may have no idea what gluten means. Gluten is one of the proteins that included in wheat and similar grains such as barley. If you take wheat, it has about 12% of gluten included. So, eating foods with wheat is a definite way of getting into trouble for celiac patients. As an example, in the US the maximum level of gluten that can be included in a gluten-free food is just 0.02%. Now compare the numbers and see how serious eating wheat is as it is.

If you are planning to enjoy a gluten free cake, there are a few options for you. The first one is to bake your own gluten free cake. This is the guaranteed way of enjoying a gluten free cake as you are sure about the ingredients you’ve used. The other way is to buy a gluten free cake from a bakery or a store. Although the second one is easier than you baking your own gluten free cake, it comes to with a few doubts. The main issue is that you may have doubts about the gluten free ingredients used for baking the cake. If some gluten contaminated ingredients or additives have been added to the cake by accident, you will get into trouble easily.

In case if you are planning to bake your own gluten free cake, finding ingredients can be another problem. You can walk into the local store and buy the ingredients necessary for baking a gluten free cake. You need to carefully read each and every label attached to the ingredients and carefully select the items you want. If you have done this before, you may know the hassle involved in this. If you want to get this done in an easier way, you can simply go to a store specifically cater for celiac patients. The items found in these stores are gluten free and you do not have to keep reading the labels every time you buy something. Therefore, you reduce the shopping time in half and get your shopping done conveniently for baking the gluten free cake.

Online stores is another option for you to order and get down the necessary gluten free ingredients. The online stores that cater for gluten free market also behave as a specialized store for gluten free products but the buyers can simply order online.

Gluten Free Bread

In this world where many complications and diseases exist in multi-forms, it doesn’t come as a surprise to come across people with celiac disease whose consumption of gluten, a protein found in wheat, barley and rye along with other grains, injures their line of the small intestine causing a lot of complications. Deriving the bright idea attached to skipping meals associated with gluten, many people now tend to follow a gluten free diet in the desperate hope that cutting down the protein from wheat, barley and rye products will help them maintain their figure. But little do they know about what could actually happen.  

One thing should be understood and it should be understood with care. Gluten free bread has been introduced to the market for a purpose. If you use it for any purpose beyond the original purpose for which it is manufactured, the chances are that you will get in to trouble. After all, skipping gluten, when you can perfectly tolerate it, is a bad idea. Additionally, experts say that consuming gluten free bread without medical basis can lead to other complications.

Now let’s look at the brighter aspect of gluten free bread. If you are suffering from celiac disease, consuming gluten free bread and other gluten free products is one of the best ways in which you can help yourself. The hinder side to the issue is that many people live without realizing that they suffer from celiac disease. Although the verdict to whether or not one suffers from celiac is a blood test away, it doesn’t cross the minds of millions of people to get the test done, unless otherwise it becomes predominantly clear.

According to statistics, nine out of ten suffers both those who are genetically predisposed to celiac and those who are actually suffering from the disease do not know that they can help themselves by avoiding gluten included food.

As a measure to ensuring that even someone suffering from celiac disease can still enjoy a normal meal, many products such as gluten free bread, gluten free cookies etc. have come out in to the market. But as mentioned before, if you are healthy as far as your gluten tolerance is concerned, there is no point consuming gluten free bread with the farfetched hope of keeping your body in shape. If you experiment with nutrition this way, without understanding the proper basis of nutrition requirements, the chances are that you will end up in even bigger trouble than gluten intolerance.

Gluten Free Beer

Gluten free beer is beer made from ingredients that do not contain glycoproteins, i.e. gluten. Consuming gluten free foods are particularly important to people that suffer from celiac disease, gluten intolerance or dermatitis herpetiformis. Patients with celiac disease will suffer injuries to the lining of the intestines if gluten is consumed. Therefore beer that contains barley or wheat will cause an allergic reaction to patients that have celiac or gluten intolerance.

Gluten free beer plays an important part in a gluten free diet. Beer is traditionally made from barley which has resulted in those suffering from diseases such as celiac being unable to consume one of their most preferred beverages. However some brewers produce beer brewed from cereals such as corn and argues that it is safe for those with gluten intolerance to consume their beer. But these statements are controversial and therefore it is recommended that they are avoided.

Today with the advent of modern technology, research and development, major brewers both local and international are experimenting gluten free beer production with the use of rice, millet and buckwheat based beers, enabling those with celiac disease with a wider choice of gluten free beer.

Formulas are now available for gluten free beer to be brewed at home. Sweet sorghum syrup is used as a carbohydrate, while other sugars such as honey and malt dextrin are added for character and feel.

Home brewed gluten free beer has been made easier with the introduction of commercially available gluten free home brewing kits that contain sorghum syrup, hops, yeast and other items. Even though these kits are relatively more expensive than standard brew kits, they produce very good gluten free beer for less than the cost of what you will pay for standard commercial beer.

It is important to note that some breweries use a filtering process that renders gluten undetectable in low gluten beer. This is a serious concern to those that suffer from celiac disease as beer needs to be completely gluten free for consumption. Therefore it is important to check and recheck before consuming gluten free beer that tastes like real beer for any kind of additives or ingredients that may contain gluten.

Some of the gluten free beer brands available in the market are produced by Anheuser-Busch, Bard’s Tale Beer Company, Green’s Gluten Free Beers, New Grist Beer, Nick Salford’s Hambleton Ales, Rampo Valley Brewery and Sprecher Brewing Company.

Gluten Free Bars

Gluten intolerance is surprisingly common and even snack bar manufacturers have caught on and have contributed to the wide range of gluten free bars in the market. The thing that’s most appealing about snack bars is the fact that they qualify as full meals, taste great and are readily available. Just like regular granola bars, gluten free bars are as nutritionally satisfactory as well.

For instance most gluten free bars contain high amounts of protein, anti-oxidants, vitamins and minerals and very little fat and sugar.  But what if you are the kind of person who enjoys home cooked everything? Fear not, gluten free bars can be made at home with ease, costs little and you can use whatever you like to add to the flavor instead of being disappointed at the store bought variants.

What you need to make your own gluten free bars is easy enough to find, basically, you need a selection of various gluten free grains and dried fruits as the main ingredients. As grains, you can use corn, gluten free oats, soy or TVP, rice, millet or any other grain that is guaranteed to be gluten free.

As for the fruits, you can use dried versions of whatever fruits you like. A few suggestions would be raisins, caramelized pineapple, dried peach, dates and cherries. You are free to add any kind of nuts that you think would make the combination better such as almonds, pecans or walnuts.

Now that we have all the ingredients together, now it’s time to decide on a sweetening and binding agent. The most popular choice is bees honey; you are free to add sugar syrup if you like. The next step is to combine the sweetening agent with some olive oil and bring it to boil. Add the fruits, nuts and grains in to the mixture and mix well until everything is coated with the syrup. You can add cinnamon in to this mix if you wish. Once everything is well combined, pour the mixture in to a greased baking tin and bake in an oven at a temperature of 350 degrees Celsius for ten to fifteen minutes until it turns golden brown. Let it cool completely and cut in to bars and enjoy. These make great gift items as well as snacks as all you need to do is to wrap each gluten free bar in colored cellophane and pile them up in a basket and give away.

Gluten Free Baking

Whoever that said gluten free baking is a piece of cake, were lying through their nose. If you are an expert at gluten free baking, you will know your way through selecting the different flours, the combos that go in hand in hand and also about the amazing recipes that can be brought to life. but if you are a beginner in your journey of gluten free food, gluten free baking will come as a surprisingly complicated task for you.

So let’s start with the basics. When it comes to gluten free baking, you will need to come up with a mixture of flours. If blending the mix sounds like too much of work or trouble, you can simply purchase an all purpose commercial gluten free baking mix at your local stores. The secret in to being able to know what goes in where and which types of flour will do justice to taste as well as texture of the food you want to make solely depends on your technical knowledge about the constituents in the flour.

For example, if you were to use gluten free baking flour on a pie, your understanding of the taste given off by different flour mixes will make you realize which is best suited for the occasion.

The non conventional gluten free baking includes using beans and legumes flour. So if you want to indulge in gluten free baking for pizza, you may use Garfava flour which is a mix of fava beans, garbanzo and romano beans. Garfava will also work wonders for baking spice cakes and breads. You can also try baking indian style chapatti and rotti if you have a liking to eastern dishes. Although you can come up with fancy ideas when experimenting with gluten free baking, some flour mixes will give off tastes that can make you irritated.

For example, garfava and chickpea have a reputation to leave a strong taste in mouth after consuming it. While some people thoroughly enjoy this, others find it difficult to stand the taste. Therefore, before you wholeheartedly settle on a gluten free baking mix, it is important to read up on the mix and also seek opinion from likeminded individuals.

Further, you may come across ancient flour mixes in recipe books and scriptures belonging to our ancestors. Amaranth is one such flour that has been mentioned in Aztec scriptures. So if you are out of choices for gluten free baking mixes, it may be time you read through your grandmother’s diary or found comfort in ancient recipe books at a library.

Gluten Free Diet Plan for Children with Autism

A gluten free diet is a eating plan in which you eliminate gluten (a protein found in some grains)from your diet. Food and drinks that contain wheat, barley, rye, sometimes  oats, or anything made with grains that are avoided. A gluten free diet is often used for children with autism. Also follow a dairy free diet.

Many people who believe the gluten free diet say that many children with autism have gastrointestinal problems, it is difficult for them to digest some grains properly. There are different ways for how this can affect children with autism.

One of the most popular and proven theory is that eating gluten causes high levels of protein by products. These products are known to influence behavior much like the way drugs do. Gluteomorphines are peptides that are similar to morphine. The body naturally produces these peptides derived from gluten. It is said that if the gluten is removed from the diet, the idea is that this will reduce the level of gluteomorphines, and behavior will be improved as a result.

Gluteomorphines is said to reduce the autistic child's desire for social interaction. It can add to the confusion and to block pain messages.

What The Experts Say

A gluten free diet autism experts say that works on the process of elimination. Many parents of children on elimination diets report that the behavior has improved considerably. The improvements are particularly pronounced when parents followed the gluten free diet. Many experts believe that autistic children react to wheat. The elimination of gluten as part of their overall treatment, experts say that children feel better and are able to function optimally.

Getting Help

Getting your children to follow a gluten free diet can be difficult. You may want to consider getting a dietitian, nutritionist or nature path to work with you to find the gluten free diet that is right for your child, based on what he/she likes and dislikes. 

Also, they will be able to give sound nutritional advice on how to apply the diet properly, without harming your child by leaving out large groups of nutrients.

Kids can be mean sometimes and autistic children may feel embarrassed to be emphasized because they are "different." A gluten free diet plan attracts attention to their condition, and therefore their differences. This is a unique challenge for parents trying to meet the treatment guidelines. Frequent monitoring and follow up, with educational resources and support groups help families maintain a gluten free diet and provide creative ways to address the challenges of a life without gluten.

A gluten free diet autism expert, will tell you that it requires sacrifice and perseverance. With so many children diagnosed with autism, there are many resources and support groups to help you on the road.

See also, ADD, ADHD and Autism Resource and Who Recommends Gluten Free and other Special Diets for Autism?

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Food and Health Carnival Sept 29

Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living

Do you have a Favorite Recipe, a Great Tip, a Great Resource or a Giveaway? Do you have a Giveaway Linky or Recipe Carnival on your blog? Or maybe you would just like to share your Food or Health Blog/Website.Add your link to my Food and Health Carnival.

All I ask for in return is for you to add my blog button above to your blog and/or a link to my website. Lisa’s Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living. Another idea is that you could add my link to your blog roll. Thank-You.

Add Your Gluten-Free and/or Healthy Living Blog to my Directory.
(if you added your blog to this directory before, please add it again. Thank-you).

If you like my blog, I would love it if you would sign up for my newsletter. (in the blue box on the right hand column).

This week I will share with you: Grocery Shopping Tips That Saves Money

Be sure and check out my current giveaways located on my right side bar. Have a great week.

Use InLinkz for your linkys.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Fruit and Rice Warm Me Up


1 1/2 Cups brown rice, cooked
1 Cup soy milk
1 banana, sliced
1 (15 oz) can fruit cocktail
1/4 Cup water
2 Tablespoons honey
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
1/2 teaspoon cinnamon
1/2 teaspoon nutmeg


Put water, honey and vanilla in a large saucepan over low heat.
Add the bananas and fruit salad and toss well to coat with liquid.
Add cinnamon and nutmeg.
Bring to a boil.
Reduce the heat to low and cook 8 minutes or until just tender but not mushy.
Add rice.
Add the soy milk and mix well.
Return to boil and cook for 10 minutes.
Best if served warm.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Jules Gluten Free Welcome Pack Giveaway Winner


The Rafflecopter Round Up Giveaway was so much fun, I hope you won some items. Here is the winner of the Jules Gluten Free Welcome Pack Giveaway, Entry #70 Amy. Amy has won the welcome pack. Thank-you everyone for entering my giveaway.

 "Jules Gluten Free Welcome Pack" from Jules Gluten Free.

This Welcome Pack includes everything you need to begin baking delicious gluten-free goods right away.

Get a 5-lb bag of our patent-pending All Purpose Flour, 3 of Jules' popular e-Books full of gluten-free recipes, and FREE Shipping & Handling. This $64.95 value is available to first time customers for only $24.95 – a $40 savings!

5-lb bag of Jules Gluten Free All Purpose Flour: Enjoy delicious gluten-free baked goods any time with this 5-pound bag of all purpose flour.

Nearly Normal Cooking for Gluten-Free Eating e-Book: Enjoy Jules' critically acclaimed gluten-free cookbook with one hundred and forty five delicious gluten-free recipes in the areas of Starters, Salads, Soups, Veggie Sides, Main Events, Quick/Yeast Breads, and Desserts).

Jules Baker’s Dozen e-Book: Jules’ Baker’s Dozen celebrates 13 awesome, no-compromise, easy-to-make recipes, in a handy electronic format that lets you jump directly to the recipe you like, print individual recipes and, best of all, get started, literally, in minutes! There's even a 3-page section on making other ingredient substitutions, for those concerned with other food sensitivities or allergies.

Jules Gluten Free Bread Baking 101 e-Book: Is there anything you miss more than bread?! Warm, moist, hearty bread? Everybody loves Jules' breads! This new, 14-page e-Book includes bread baking advice based upon years of experience plus five easy, sure-to-please recipes for bread machines or ovens.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Want To Save Cash? Make Your Own Salad Dressings

Garden Salad 5-8-09 IMG_3635Once upon a time, I was the pre-packaged queen. I would buy everything already made, filled with preservatives, salts and sugars. I would look out for deals from my local market and think that I was being money savvy by waiting until they had a case sale and stocking up all at once. I was right, to an extent...I was saving about $100 a month with this tactic.

What I didn't realize at the time is that the real cash saving method is making things from scratch. You can get your favorites and necessities alike for cents on the dollar, and I even sometimes make them in bulk and can and pickle the items so they last longer. The rest I freeze until needed, and my grocery bill has gone down by almost half in the last six months since I began.

Not only is it cheaper, but it is healthier, too. You don't have the gunk and filler put into foods from a store when you make them at home. I have noticed a different in my skin, dropped weight and I have more energy. My family are experiencing the same effects, and we have all started to get into the swing of things together. Every other week we spend one afternoon together picking items at the farmers market and local butchers, then prepare items.

One of the favorite items to make (and eat!) is salad dressing. Not only is it a quick item, but it tastes so much better without the additional ingredients that are used in bottled brands. Since my family eats so many salads (with almost every meals, and sometimes with meat and cheese for a meal alone), it was getting pricey.

But there are options for fresh salad dressings that have been published by magazines, websites and all-natural food advocates all over. Check out some of these great options for yourself.

Light Ranch Dressing (Food Network Magazine)


2/3 cup buttermilk (Can substitute 2% milk, but it will be thinner)
1/4 cup mayonnaise (Light mayo reduces calories and fat)
2 teaspoons Worcestershire sauce
1/2 teaspoon onion powder
1/2 teaspoon dried onion flakes
1/4 teaspoon garlic powder
1 tablespoon chives
1 tablespoon dill
1 tablespoon parsley
1/2 salt
1/4 pepper

Put all ingredients except for the last two into a bowl, whisking as they are placed inside. Once they have been well mixed, add in the salt and pepper and chill for 10 minutes or longer, until thickened. Serve with salad.

Obviously, this is an extremely simple recipe. It doesn't taste exactly like what you get in the bottle, but it is still pretty good. To give it a little bit more of a traditional flavor, you can add a couple of tablespoons or sour cream to taste. If you are worried about calories, just make that light or fat free sour cream. With the other ingredients masking it, you won't be able to tell the difference.

Raspberry Vinaigrette Dressing (


    1/2 cup vegetable oil
    1/2 cup raspberry wine vinegar
    1/2 cup white sugar
    2 teaspoons Dijon mustard
    1/4 teaspoon dried oregano
    1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper

Take a jar with a tight fitting lid and put all ingredients inside. Making sure the lid has been screwed on tight, shake it well until everything inside is well mixed and there is a red color through the mixture.

If you are not a fan of sugar, you can sweeten it just as well with raspberry jelly. Seeded or unseeded is your choice, but seeds might change the consistency and keep it from spreading as well.

Blue Cheese Dressing (CookingLight)


    1 cup low-fat mayonnaise
    2 tablespoons cider vinegar
    1 tablespoon vegetable oil
    1/2 teaspoon dried oregano
    1/4 teaspoon salt
    1/4 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
    1 (8-ounce) carton fat-free sour cream
    1 garlic clove, crushed
    1/2 cup (2 ounces) crumbled blue cheese

Combine everything into a bowl with a whisk except for the cheese. Wait until it has made a smooth consistency before adding in the blue crumbles.

This salad dressing shouldn't be made ahead more than a day or two, and has to be refrigerated. However, it is a great tasting and less calorie-high version of the classic, with a nice, fresh taste. I like adding a little more blue cheese, myself.

Have some recipes you want to share? We would love to read them. Post in our comments!

Jessy is a frugal mom and professional blogger for

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Food and Health Carnival Sept 22

Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living

Do you have a Favorite Recipe, a Great Tip, a Great Resource or a Giveaway? Do you have a Giveaway Linky or Recipe Carnival on your blog? Or maybe you would just like to share your Food or Health Blog/Website.Add your link to my Food and Health Carnival.

All I ask for in return is for you to add my blog button above to your blog and/or a link to my website. Lisa’s Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living. Another idea is that you could add my link to your blog roll. Thank-You.

Add Your Gluten-Free and/or Healthy Living Blog to my Directory.
(if you added your blog to this directory before, please add it again. Thank-you).

If you like my blog, I would love it if you would sign up for my newsletter. (in the blue box on the right hand column).

This week I will share with you: Grocery Shopping Tips That Saves Money

Be sure and check out my current giveaways located on my right side bar. Have a great week.

Use InLinkz for your linkys.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Rafflecopter Round Up Giveaway - Jules Gluten Free

RafflecopterRound Up Giveaway

Welcome to the Rafflcopter Round Up hosted by Simply Stacie and Makobi Scribe. This is a brand new giveaway event and all participating blogs will be using Rafflecopter for their giveaways. The Giveaway Event is from Sept. 21, 9:00am EST to 12:01am EST Sept. 26. Now hop around to the other giveaways that all have Rafflecopter entry forms and prizes valued at $25 or more!

The prize for my blog is a $64.95 Jules Gluten Free Welcome Pack.

This Welcome Pack includes everything you need to begin baking delicious gluten-free goods right away.

Get a 5-lb bag of our patent-pending All Purpose Flour, 3 of Jules' popular e-Books full of gluten-free recipes, and FREE Shipping & Handling. This $64.95 value is available to first time customers for only $24.95 – a $40 savings!

    5-lb bag of Jules Gluten Free All Purpose Flour: Enjoy delicious gluten-free baked goods any time with this 5-pound bag of all purpose flour.
    Nearly Normal Cooking for Gluten-Free Eating e-Book: Enjoy Jules' critically acclaimed gluten-free cookbook with 145 delicious gluten-free recipes in the areas of Starters, Salads, Soups, Veggie Sides, Main Events, Quick/Yeast Breads, and Desserts).

Jules’ Baker’s Dozen e-Book: Jules’ Baker’s Dozen celebrates 13 awesome, no-compromise, easy-to-make recipes, in a handy electronic format that lets you jump directly to the recipe you like, print individual recipes and, best of all, get started, literally, in minutes!  There's even a 3-page section on making other ingredient substitutions, for those concerned with other food sensitivities or allergies.
Jules Gluten Free Bread Baking 101 e-Book: Is there anything you miss more than bread?!  Warm, moist, hearty bread?  Everybody loves Jules' breads!  This new, 14-page e-Book includes bread baking advice based upon years of experience plus five easy, sure-to-please recipes for bread machines or ovens.

My Review.

Jules Gluten Free Sent some of their amazing products for me to try out. They sent me their cookie mix, bread mix, graham cracker mix, Baker's Dozen E-Cookbook, Cookie E-Cookbook, Gluten Free Thanksgiving E-Cookbook and their Gluten Free Holiday Baking E-Cookbook. They were very generous. Thank-you Jules Gluten Free. I tried out their cookie mix, I made it into chocolate chip cookies. It was so good, my family and I ate it up. I made their graham crackers, and let me tell you they were the best graham crackers I have ever tasted. They were moist and delicious. The bread was moist and delicious as well. All the recipes are amazing, so delicious. I can't wait to try out even more of the recipes. Jules Gluten Free has amazing products for an affordable price. I give Jules Gluten Free 5 stars out of 5. I would encourage everyone to try them out.

Please fill out the Rafflecopter form below for the giveaway:

Monday, September 19, 2011

Peach Orange Juice Smoothie


2 Cups ice cubes
1 Cup orange juice
1 Cup peaches
1 banana, cut into small chunks
2 TBSP toasted slivered almonds 


Put the ice cubes into the blender.
Pour in the orange juice.
Add the peaches and bananas.
Add the almonds.
Mix the ingredients until they are smooth.

Pecans will also work in the smoothie. Alternately, you can use pineapple juice instead of orange juice.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Grocery Shopping Tips That Saves Money

Everything becomes more expensive today. From gas to food, our hard earned money is being challenged to stretch further. Now, we might be able to bicycle around the city, if we can not put gas in our cars. But we have to eat. There is no getting around that. So we must find ways to spend less on food while still getting the things we need to feed our families. Here are six tips to save money the next time you go grocery shopping.

1. Clip coupons. They put them in the newspaper for a reason. If there are new items to try, use a coupon for a discount. If you like it, you've saved money. On the other hand, if you do not take a liking to it, you did not pay full price. For me, coupons save on average ten dollars per visit. It is money in my pocket that can go towards gas for the car.

2. Buy more products than prepared foods. It's easier to buy a box of macaroni and cheese, but is cheaper? A big box of macaroni and cheese and and a block of cheese will be more servings for your family than a box of macaroni and cheese. The next time you go shopping and pick up a box or a bag of already prepared of an already prepared product, ask yourself if you can do that at home for less money. If you can, then put that back on the shelf in favor of cheaper products.

3. Buy in bulk. Consider the food you use most often. Cereals, meats, vegetables, condiments, fruit juices, and paper products can be purchased in bulk usually lower in price at Costco, BJ and Wal-Mart. If you have a coupon, you can save even more money.

4. Do not buy when you are hungry. It's really a no-no. Shopping on an empty stomach means you buy more things than you need. You are more likely to pick up a bag of chocolate chip cookies or donuts when the growling in your stomach starts.

5. Take a shopping list with you. This is another protection against picking up things that are too expensive. Check your cupboards and refrigerator to see what you need and write them down on a piece of paper. Remember, the goal is to stick to the list as much as possible.

6. Purchases products in the same stores. This is more of a relief of frustration. In a new store, you spend most of your time looking for things and walking up and down the aisles, which often leads one to forgetting an item or two. Going to the same stores in itself makes you more familiar with prices, so you can estimate your bill as you write your grocery shopping list.

The price increase does not mean a lean dinner table. There are many ways to make your food dollars to go further, and if you take time to implement the ideas mentioned above and others of your own, you'll save money every time you shop.

Friday, September 16, 2011

5 Deceptive Foods that Seem Healthy But are Actually Calorie Laden

Popping in weight loss diet pills will prove to be of no good if you do not watch out for what you eat. You will probably argue that you have a snack bar for lunch every day that promises less than half the calorie intake of a regular one? Or, maybe a brand of oil that is cholesterol free? Well, we all do that. However, if you do not read the fine print on most of these products, your smart move to control your health might just back fire. Here are a few food items whose actual properties you must consider before purchase:

1. Vitamin Water

Vitamin water is an immediate choice when one looks for refreshment but the truth is that more than half of these specially fortified waters contain a very high percentage of sugar which gives them a high calorie count. Instead, it is advised that you stick to the mundane but good old water. It will go easier on your pocket and also your waist line.

2. Cereal Bars

Cereal bars are often considered to be very diet friendly. However, it may not always be so. It is true that the whole grains are high in minerals and vitamins but the fats and sugar used to bind the bar together contain a lot of calories. A more health friendly option for you would be naturally flavored cereal bars which do not contain preservatives or trans fat.  These keep your daily calorie count low and are a great addition to your diet.

3. Salads

The word salad is often synonymous and equated to everything healthy. But the mistake you would not want to make is considering a salad to be calorie free by virtue of being a salad. The content of the salad is what is important. Oily salads or salads with a lot of meat are not healthy and should never feature in your diet list. In order to enjoy salad yet control calories, keep the dressing to a minimal and make the salad an all veggie affair.

4. Hummus 

Just like salads, hummus is also something that is considered to be calorie free just by virtue of being nutritious. Hummus is made of chickpea, olive oil, sesame paste, cumin and lemon which make it high in fibers, vitamins and proteins. However, due to the sesame and oil, it is not the best option if you are looking to reduce calories. If you still want to go ahead then your only tip would be to control your portions.

5. Lattes

Your morning lattes may seem harmless; especially with most cafes claiming that their lattes are 100 percent fat free. But once the sugar and cream and milk come into play, your latte becomes a calorie nightmare. An important tip in this respect would be to do away with lattes completely. Otherwise, simply give in to your indulgence once or twice a week and it should not have too much of a repercussion on your body.

Calories are a lot like contagious viruses. You never know where they come from but before you know it, you are badly infected. Therefore, keep a check on what you buy to prevent putting on those extra calories.

Brenda Lyttle is a health expert who began writing for publications in her community in 2005 and now commands an authority in writing on healthy living, fitness, and anti-aging related topics. She is also a strong believer of the goodness of GHR1000, a popular HGH supplement, but insists that exercising can never be replaced by any supplement whatsoever.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Food and Health Carnival Sept 15

Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living

Do you have a Favorite Recipe, a Great Tip, a Great Resource or a Giveaway? Do you have a Giveaway Linky or Recipe Carnival on your blog? Or maybe you would just like to share your Food or Health Blog/Website.Add your link to my Food and Health Carnival.

All I ask for in return is for you to add my blog button above to your blog and/or a link to my website. Lisa’s Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living. Another idea is that you could add my link to your blog roll. Thank-You.

Add Your Gluten-Free and/or Healthy Living Blog to my Directory.
(if you added your blog to this directory before, please add it again. Thank-you).

If you like my blog, I would love it if you would sign up for my newsletter. (in the blue box on the right hand column).

This week I will share with you: Gluten Free Lunch Ideas

Be sure and check out my current giveaways located on my right side bar. Have a great week.

Use InLinkz for your linkys.


Whole Foods "Gluten Free For Me" Event

Come join us at Whole Foods for "Gluten Free for Me" with many food items, classes, and resources to educate shoppers about a gluten free lifestyle.

Gluten free vendors to come, sample and share about their products.


Shawnte, class instructors (also getting her Naturopathic Doctorate right now) giving 3, 30 minute talks on the following topics:


Saturday September 24th



12-12:30 Gluten Free Basics - What is it? Where is it? How can I avoid it?

1-1:30 Gluten Free Substitutes - Tips on converting favorite recipes and finding the best products.

2-2:30 Gluten Free Grains - Tips and simple recipes for cooking gluten-free whole grains everyday.


There is also a raffle for $100 gluten free goodies basket,

games, activities and prizes for the kids.



Whole Foods
815 SE 160th Ave
Vancouver, WA. 98683

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Cucumber Salad Bowls


3 large cucumbers
1 (6 oz) can tuna in water, drained well
2 hard boiled eggs, chopped
1/2 cup celery, chopped fine
1 tbsp sweet onion, chopped fine
1/4 cup mayonnaise
2 tbsp relish
1 tsp lemon juice
1/4 tsp pepper
1/2 cup Cheddar cheese, shredded


Cut the cucumber in half lengthwise.
Remove the seeds and cut the bottom so the cucumbers sit flat.
Place the tuna, eggs, celery and onion in a large mixing bowl.
Mix a little to help break up the tuna.
Add mayonnaise and relish.
Mix together until the mayonnaise is a little more smooth.
Pour the lemon juice.
Sprinkle with pepper.
Stir to mix well.
Sprinkle with cheese and stir until all the ingredients are mixed-up together.
Fill each cucumber half with the tuna mixture.

Cucumber boats can be filled with all kinds of salad. Egg salad, chicken salad or ham salad, to make a great addition to any picnic.

Monday, September 12, 2011

Keeki Giveaway Winner

Congratulations to the winner of the Keeki Giveaway. And the winner is...Entry #359 Louis, you have won a Personalized Keeki Gift Pack from Keenki. I used rafflecopter to determine the winner.

Keeki Pure and Simple has chosen to use as many organic raw materials as they can get our hands on. They have done this because organic products are made with ingredients that are grown and produced without the use of pesticides, artificial fertilizers and other chemicals; only ‘good-for-you’ elements of the earth. By using only ‘good-for-you’ components, organic products have a low impact on our environment and are also healthy for our bodies. The skin is the largest organ of our body… Keeki pledges to help you maintain your skin with ‘good-for-you’ products that are made in the USA and are 100% cruelty free. They do not use any parabens, phthalates, or any other toxic ingredients.

Keeki Pure and Simple, a safe, non-toxic, organic, gluten-free line of body products that parents can feel good about giving their kids.

Keeki’s commitment ~ we only manufacture products that we feel good about using on our own bodies as well as our children. We know that you will love our products just as much as we do. Keeki will never compromise quality in order to make a profit.

This nontoxic nail polish comes in 20 water based shades. When I gave myself a manicure, I was pleasantly surprised to find there was no stinky smell, like other nail polishes. I painted my fingernails a hot color, Cotton Candy. In the sun, it looks even brighter and vibrant.

Thank-you everyone for entering this giveaway, it was so much fun. More giveaways to come.

Friday, September 9, 2011

A Beginner’s Guide to a Gluten Free Diet

There are still a number of people who are new to the term gluten free diet and this lack of information could present a difficulty in the future. If you or a loved one is instructed to go on this type of diet, where do you start? Now this is not rocket science but it may require some time before you could have a deeper understanding on what a gluten free lifestyle is all about. It will not hurt to start your research now and be educated.

Start by knowing what gluten is all about. Gluten is the protein found in most type of grains such as rye, barley and wheat. A switch to a gluten free diet is often suggested to individuals that are diagnosed with celiac disease or gluten intolerance.

Let’s take this simple example: If you are allergic to sea foods, would you still include shrimps, crabs and fish to your diet? The answer is simple; you will remove all these items that could cause your body to have an allergic reaction. This is the same principle that applies to a gluten free diet.

The next time is the food selection process. It will be helpful for any beginner to make a list of foods that are harmful and safe. Keep in mind that grains such as barley, wheat and rye should be excluded. Make sure that your favorite meals do not include these items as well. But there are certain types of grains that are safe to have like corn, millet, brown rice and tapioca.

On the other hand no need to worry too much about giving up your favorite oats. Just make sure to buy oats that are certified to be gluten free.  Companies that process wheat and at the same time process oats follow a guideline and takes every precautionary measures to ensure that the oats are certified to be free from any traces of gluten. So keep an eye on that label and make sure that is certified.

Be careful when you are out grocery shopping. Take your time and read the labels on the food items to ensure that the ingredients are gluten free. The safest bet is to buy the fresh produce and avoiding processed or canned items.

It might take a while before one could get used to this lifestyle change but it won’t be long until you noticed the benefits of a gluten free diet. Discipline as well as one’s drive to become healthy is needed in order for this to become effective.

Allison currently works as a freelance writer and uses her free time traveling as she enjoys the adventure. Her current project with gulvafhøvling has provided her with an opportunity to share information about floor grinding.

Buying a Fridge Online - How to Spot the Best Deals

Looking for the best deals on fridges online 

Most people don’t know you can get fantastic deals for fridges online, if you’re prepared to do a bit of patient shopping and hunt around. The online retailers are highly competitive, particularly among each other, and they keep their prices down as far as possible. When you’re shopping for major items like refrigerators, you can save a lot of money upfront.

Fridge shopping- The science of getting good deals
There are various ways of finding the fridge you want:

  • Brand name shopping- This is shopping by checking out specific name brands. It’s a good way to get a clear picture of prices, sizes, and values. Even if you don’t buy the fridges, you’ll soon see what’s a good price and what’s not for the various brands and sizes of fridges.

  • Shopping by price- A bit more time consuming but worthwhile, shopping in your budget bracket is a good way of investigating the market. You can also find some good marked down deals online, so you’re likely to spot a bargain.

  • Shopping by type of fridge- If you’re looking for a particular type of fridge like a big three door family fridge, this is a quick, simple approach. You can also use the brand name approach to check out the different options and features.

  • Package deals- You can sometimes find fridges and other types of appliances as part of a package deal. These can be really excellent value, sometimes including blenders and other kitchen equipment.

  • Single brand shopping- A very simple way of checking out a range of fridges, you can for example confine your search to LG fridges, and find the right LG fridge.

  • Comparison shopping- The best online retailers provide a “compare” feature so you can match your choices and check out the differences more clearly. This is very useful if you’re having difficulty making a decision.

Information and inquiries

You may not get all the information you need while shopping. A lot of fridges come with features like different freezer capacity, and sometimes size differences can be in odd-looking measurements like 129 litre or 466 litre, useful no doubt for experts but not necessarily for people looking for a fridge they can fit into their kitchens. You may or may not understand the importance of a top or bottom mount freezer. You can inquire online about these issues, and learn a bit more in the process. The online retailers are quick to respond and usually provide the information you need pretty quickly.

Delivery and other options

Delivery charges should be clearly shown upfront on the product page. Delivery costs may or may not include conditions or discounts based on the value of goods purchased. Delivery schedules and times are the main issues here, but you can usually arrange for your fridge to be delivered at a time suitable for you.  

Another option for consumers- Some online retailers will also pick up old fridges. A charge may apply, but it solves the problem and saves time hauling the old fridge away.

Now all you have to do is find excuses to stock the new fridge with all your favorite foods and drinks. 

Thursday, September 8, 2011

Food and Health Carnival Sept 8

Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living

Do you have a Favorite Recipe, a Great Tip, a Great Resource or a Giveaway? Do you have a Giveaway Linky or Recipe Carnival on your blog? Or maybe you would just like to share your Food or Health Blog/Website.Add your link to my Food and Health Carnival.

All I ask for in return is for you to add my blog button above to your blog and/or a link to my website. Lisa’s Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living. Another idea is that you could add my link to your blog roll. Thank-You.

Add Your Gluten-Free and/or Healthy Living Blog to my Directory.
(if you added your blog to this directory before, please add it again. Thank-you).

If you like my blog, I would love it if you would sign up for my newsletter. (in the blue box on the right hand column).

This week I will share with you: Talking to Your Family about Gluten-Free Living

Be sure and check out my current giveaways located on my right side bar. Have a great week.

Use InLinkz for your linkys.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Gluten Free Food Safety Survey

Has Consumer Perception of Gluten Free Food Safety Changed Over Time?

The University of Chicago Celiac Disease Center has partnered with the Gluten Intolerance Group in an interesting initiative to deepen their understanding of consumer perception of gluten free food safety. If you have 20 minutes to participate and were diagnosed with celiac disease or gluten intolerance/gluten sensitivity, please fill out this food safety survey. They hope to get valuable information from this study to identify the education and shopping behaviors within the gluten-free community that might be useful in advancing gluten-free products and dining; and identify education, training and communication needs within and between consumers and food manufacturing and food service industries.

Take the survey here:  

Survey Link

Please share this with others in the GF community.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Crock Pot Chicken Corn Tortillas

Gluten Free Crock Pot Corn Tortillas


3 T canola oil
4 large chicken breasts
1 (19 oz) can of enchilada sauce
2 (11 oz) cans of gluten free cream of chicken soup
1 (4.25 oz) can black olives, sliced
2 dozen corn tortillas
1 large onion, chopped
1 (8 oz) package taco style cheese


Place a large skillet over medium heat and add oil.
When the oil is heated add the chicken.
Cook for about 5 minutes per side.
Remove and let cool.
When chicken is cooled, it can be shredded.
Cut tortillas into 8 wedges.
In a large bowl combine soup, olives and onions.
Begin layering in the slow cooker with enchilada sauce on the bottom.
Then add tortillas, soup, chicken and cheese in that order.
Continue the layering in this order to the top being sure to end with cheese.
Cover and cook for 7 hours at low temperature.

Tip: It is best served in a bowl and topped with sour cream or guacamole.


Brands of Gluten Free Cream of Chicken Soup:

Healthy Valley Organic  - Locations where to buy here

Pacific Natural Foods  - Locations of where to buy here

Mom's Place Gluten Free - Where to buy here


Gluten Free Cream of Chicken Soup


1 cup rice flour

1 cup dry milk

1/4 cup dried minced onion


Use 1/4 cup of mix and add:

1 Knorr chicken boullion cube

1 1/2 cups water


Mix all ingredients in a sauce pan. Heat over medium until thickened. Use in place of 1 can cream of chicken soup.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Talking to Your Family about Gluten-Free Living

Is your family considering making a movement toward a gluten-free lifestyle? Maybe you’re considering it out of necessity or as a commitment to a healthier way of life. It doesn't take a psychology degree to know that food can be a tough subject to tackle, and persuading children and other members of the family to give up gluten is not always easy. When you consider that gluten is in many favorite foods like cake, cookies, crackers, bread, and pasta, along with many processed food items, it is easy to understand why family members are reluctant to embrace this dietary change. Here are some tips to make the transition easier.

Educate the Family

Approaching a necessary dietary change as a practical health matter is the best way to start a conversation about gluten-free living. Focusing on the positive aspects of the change instead of what the family will be giving up is critical for putting a positive spin on the transition. Describing gluten-free dietary choices as "tasty" instead of simply "healthy" is a better way to get family members excited about new menu options.

Replace Comfort Foods with Gluten-Free Alternatives

Recipes abound for classic favorites. If your family realizes that they won't have to give up pizza, cookies and macaroni and cheese altogether, the change will be less traumatic. Emphasize how delicious the new diet will be by backing up the claims immediately with proof. Research has found that many people assume that "healthy" foods will be tasteless. It is better to focus on how great items taste, instead of talking about how healthy the substitute foods are.

Be a Role Model for Your Children

Parents are the most influential role model for children. After a big announcement about new dietary changes, it is critical that both parents embrace the diet immediately as role models for the family. Even though children may feel obliged to complain some at first, if they see both Mom and Dad eating delicious new meals that fill up the house with wonderful aromas, then they are likely to respond with an open mind.

Emphasize All Favorite Foods that are Gluten-Free

Have a list handy of all the families favorite foods that will not be effected by the new diet. Ice cream is always an acceptable peace offering once you tell the kids that regular cake is off limits. Writing these foods down in a book for kids is a great reminder of how many foods are on the diet. Steak, peanuts and fruit are a few favorites that many people respond to with a smile.

Plan Substitutes for School and Holiday Celebrations

Talking to teachers and finding out about any upcoming events where cake, cupcakes or other forbidden foods will be served is a great way to circumvent a bad situation. Off to bake some gluten-free cookies for your child to take to class to share for a special occasion. Getting your kid involved is an excellent way for them to see the event as a positive way to share their gluten-free goodies.

Forgive and Forget

When your teenager decides to cheat and eat something he shouldn't, don't get upset. Expect this to happen, because it will. It is natural for teenagers to test the boundaries. All any parent can do is educate a child about what he should be eating to feel good, providing the information and support to make good choices. The good news is that a child will usually feel so bad after they cheat, that they ultimately realize that the cheating is not worth it.

Spousal Encouragement

Appeal to your spouse's desire to be a good role model for the kids. If your spouse is not gluten intolerant and wants to have an occasional gluten snack away from the family, then that's fine. Adults are going to do what they want. A responsible parent will want to do the right thing for the family, without sacrificing their image as a role model.


The hard part of any new diet is the psychological transition. All a parent can do is provide education about the "why" and the "how" of this diet, making it easy and fun for the family. Playing interference for birthday parties and other events to ensure your child is not left without birthday cake is also important. Planning is the key.

"Allison Gamble has been a curious student of psychology since high school. She brings her understanding of the mind to work in the weird world of internet marketing with psychology degree".

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Strawberry and Pineapple Freezer Jam


What You Need:

1 pint box of fresh strawberries, washed, drained and hulls removed
2 1/2 Cups of fresh pineapple, peeled and finely chopped
7 Cup sugar
2 packages (1 3/4 oz) powdered pectin
1 Cup cold water
4 pint freezer containers with lids

How to Make It:

Place strawberries in a large mixing bowl.
Crush the strawberries with a potato masher.
Measure out 2 1/2 Cups strawberries and place in a separate bowl.
Add the pineapple to the strawberries.
Slowly add the sugar and stir until well combined.
Place the cold water in a saucepan over medium heat.
Add the pectin.
Stir continuously until water begins to boil.
Boil 1 minute.
Remove from heat.
Pour the water mixture into with the fruit.
Stir well to combine.
Continue stirring 4 minutes.
Pour into the pint freezer containers and cover.
Let stand at room temperature for 24 hours.
Freeze after 24 hours.
Jam will stay good in the freezer for up to 6 months.
To use, remove from freezer and allow to come to room temperature, about 1 hour.
Cover and refrigerate for up to 3 weeks.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Homemade Soups on Healthy the Go

In this day and age it can be hard to eat healthy. With your busy schedule, especially if you have children, many people find it easier to grab whatever is available and the quickest and deal with the health consequences later. With the following tips for soups on the go you’ll learn how to make sure that the food you grab is of the healthy variety.

The problem with dealing with the consequences of unhealthy eating habits is that later is actually closer than you might think. Later is right now. Sadly, we are a nation of obese adults and just as many, if not more, obese children. Our unhealthy eating choices have caught up with us. You might be asking yourself, “How can I eat healthy when I’m crunched for time already?”

One way is to make foods that can be taken with you on the go. One of those foods is soup. Soup is tasty, filling, and good for you anytime, but especially on a cold fall or winter day. There are hot soups and believe it or not even cold soups. Many of the warm soups are even good eaten cold or lukewarm.

First, choose your favorite soup. A popular choice of many is the infamous chicken noodle soup. There’s nothing better when you are under the weather than the warm chicken broth soothing your throat. Campbell’s has a wonderful soup in a microwave container perfect for eating on the go, but we are going to make our own soup for an even healthier choice.

The one thing that is best about homemade food is that you know what is and is not in it. Since we are concerned with health, preparing your own soup creations at home is the best way to go. No matter which type of soup you choose to make, be sure to use fresh ingredients. The other items you’ll need are plenty of cups with lids and a blender.

Now it’s time to actually create your time saving soup. A good soup always starts with the stock. For chicken soup, make the broth by boiling the remains of the chicken you had for dinner. Add the herbs and seasonings of your choice and boil until the chicken bones come out clean. Any remaining meat will be included in the broth. Once the broth cools completely, ladle it into air-tight jars or containers for storing.

If you’re more of a beef and vegetable soup lover, you can use commercial canned broths or bouillon cubes for the base of your soup. Season the stock really well and boil before adding any other ingredients. Once the stock is ready, all that is left to do is toss in your favorite veggies. Again, wait until the soup is completely cooled before pouring into storage or serving containers.

Now, what about that blender? It’s a bit difficult to eat soup the traditional way while driving and if you are serving to your kids, the combination of a car and soup in a bowl is a disaster waiting to happen. Here’s where the blender comes into the picture.

Pour some of the soup into the blender and blend until the pieces are small enough for you to swallow without choking. You can even puree the soup completely if you’d prefer. For a thicker texture, add a bit of cream soup. Now, your soup is ready for distributing in your to-go cups.

The ideal cup would be a coffee mug with a lid. These types of cups have a wide opening perfect for drinking soups from. Be sure to prepare enough soup for the entire week. You can take the soup with you while you’re out shopping, working in the garden or to work. A cup of soup is packed with healthy nutrients and it won’t mess up the car or cramp your busy lifestyle. The next time you don’t have time to eat, reach for a cup of healthy homemade soup instead of pulling into that fast food drive thru. 

Shish Kabobs

Do you have children? They love to eat grilled food, too. A fun and healthy alternative to burgers and hot dogs for them is to make shish kabobs. Shish kabobs are easy to make and healthy for children and adults. 

Shish kabobs remind me of those scenes in old movies when they roast the meat over the spit. Unlike the scary unmentionable meat being turned over by cowboys, we put our favorite meats and vegetables on a stick and add some flavor.

Kabobs cook just like that unmentionable meat in the old days. Kabobs can be cooked on wooden skewers and can be eaten without utensils, making them popular with all children who eat them and to the mothers who have to clean them. Metal skewers can be too hot to touch, if you have little ones, use wooden skewers. They are much cheaper and can be discarded later.

When working with wooden skewers, be sure to soak them in water for at least 30 minutes before putting them on the grill. A skewer that is not saturated with water will burn on the grill and can cause flare ups.

Now that the safety issues are out of the way, let's begin to have fun creating these yummy tasting shish kabobs. There are allot of combination that you can make with your favorite foods. Choose from lamb, beef, chicken, shrimp, fish and pork. For vegetable choices, be sure to use the vegetables that are can stand up the heat without getting soft and falling apart. Some of the most common choices are tomatoes, peppers and onions.

Cut the meat and vegetables into one inch cubes. It's easier to cook, if all the food on the skewer is of smaller size. Round vegetables such as tomatoes do not need to be cut into squares. Just make sure that the tomato is the same size as the rest of the food. Select items for the kabobs, with similar cooking times on the same skewer. For example, it does not take long for a shrimp or scallops cook on a hot grill, but chicken or beef, will take longer to cook. Zucchini will take longer to cook than the a cherry tomato. Zucchini also takes the heat better. If you want your tomatoes on a skewer, consider adding one to each end of the kabob a few minutes before the meat is done cooking. 

To reduce the cooking time for chicken, boil boneless chicken breasts for about twenty minutes before cutting into cubes. By parboiling you are helping to prevent cross contamination. It is also a good idea to include a single type of meat on skewers. When it comes time to put your shish kabobs together combine the chicken with a variety of vegetables.

When using raw meat, prepare the kebabs the night before and chill them with or without marinade. If you marinade, be sure to drain any excess away before grilling. Let the skewers come to room temperature before placing them on the grill to aid in faster, more even cooking.

I love shish kabobs. They can be used as an appetizer or a main dish on a bed of rice for the children. As a snack or main attraction, they are delicious. By mixing the meat and vegetables, you can enjoy the shish kabobs at any time without getting tired of the same foods. Shish kabobs are easy to make, are gluten free and healthy.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

How To Get Rid Of Brown Spots On Your Face Naturally

Although harmless, that brown spot on your face may be unattractive. Even worse, it can make you feel older than you really are. There are cosmetic treatments for this problem such as laser and micro dermabrasion. However, these can be very expensive. If you don't have the budget for these treatments, fret not. There are certain home remedies which can aid in winning back your youthful appearance.

Also called age spots, making them less visible may be done by applying some things found in or around the home. Some of them may be in the medicine cabinet, refrigerator or even your garden. Continue reading if you're sick and tired of these unsightly marks that won't seem to go away.

Citrus fruits like orange, lemon and grapefruit are naturally acidic. However, they're light enough to be applied on most skin types and produce dramatic results. Their acidic property can help bleach those clumps of melanin. Using cotton buds, apply the juice of any citrus fruit found in your kitchen on the affected area and leave it there, preferably as you sleep.

Another effective yet mild bleaching agent is lactic acid, and buttermilk has it. If you find that citrus fruit juice makes your skin sting, then switch to buttermilk instead. It's gentler especially on sensitive skin types. Again, use cotton buds to daub it onto those discolorations and allow to it stay overnight.

See if you got vitamin E supplement inside your medicine cabinet. Using a clean needle, prick a capsule and directly apply the oil inside on your problem spots. It's also okay to apply the oil all over the face because it's a moisturizer that's rich in antioxidants. Antioxidants are effective against delaying and even reversing the signs of aging on the skin because they can neutralize free radicals effectively.

Another natural remedy for age spots is aloe vera. Check out your garden if you have this plant. The gel inside the leaves has to be smeared on the discoloration. This gel is also loaded with antioxidants. It's also used by many cultures in treating several different skin problems.

Aside from trying out these home remedies for ridding that brown spot on your face, you should do your share and protect yourself from too much sun exposure. Apply sun block that's formulated for your skin type. When stepping foot outside, use a pair of large sunglasses, wide-brimmed hat and an umbrella.