Thursday, December 31, 2009

Gluten Free Diet Slideshow

Check-out this great slide show from WebMD.

Gluten Free Diet Slideshow

Then please come back here for more information.
Lisa's Gluten Free Advice and Healthy Living

Gluten Free Diet Help

I came across this website a few days ago about Gluten Free Diet Help.
It has lots of good information and suggestions on it.
Here is the Link: Gluten-Free Diet Help

When your done checking it out, please come back to my website for more information.

Sunday, December 20, 2009

How I learned that I am Gluten Intolerant

I have went to Nature Path the last year, for over a year for my acid reflux/hietal hernia. The ladies there are very caring and fun to be around. I loved it there. They have helped me out allot. I had gotten the Hietal Hernia Surgery in August 2009, it has helped allot. I still have all my Food Allergies though.

I always feel better as long as I follow the Dr's advise.

First she told be to go on an Anti-Inflammatory Diet. The book is called "The Anti-Inflammation Diet and Recipe Book" Protect yourself and your family from Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Allergies and More. by Jessica K. Black, N.D. I got this book from the Nature Path, but you can get anywhere. My nature path has also put me on natural supplements. And she told me to use organic foods. I have lost lots of weight following this diet plan. It's mostly vegetable, some meats and some fruit. No junk food. No sugar or wheat. Dr. has me doing a castor= oil pack. You put castor oil on a special cotton cloth, (lay down on the couch or your bed), then you lay the cloth on your stomach then plastic bag, then a towel, lastly a heating pad. Do that for about an hour. It is really soothing. It is a form of detox.

Before I followed this diet, I was following "The Acid-Alkaline Diet" for Optimum Health Restore your health by creating balance in your diet.
This book talks about eating alkaline foods and drinking alkaline water and staying away form acidy foods. Both of these books are very similar food wise.

The other thing I have done is NAET treatments. Here is a link: NAET Treatment I have a book posted on "My Favorite Books" about NAET.
It helps to rid allergies and other sensitivities, like food. Read up on it. It has helped me allot and then come back to my website for more information.

I have also followed the advise of  a book called "Prescription for Nutritional Healing"A practical A-Z Reference to drug-free remedies using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and food supplements. By Phyllis A. Balch, CNC and James F. Balch, M.D.

These Books are located on my "I Recommend" page.
My nature path also did a food sensitivity test on me and discovered that I have several food sensitivities. Especially to: Dairy, Caffeine, Chocolate, Sugars, Wheat (and all Gluten's), Tomatoes, Potatoes and Corn.

I went to a Gluten Free Baking Class held at my Nature Path's office. The lady who was running the class gave us some very yummy treats that she had baked, they were Gluten Free and Sugar Free.

Here is a Great Gluten Free Book to start with, "The Gluten-Free Bible".

Here is a link to a webpage that talks about Gluten Sensitivity Symptoms.
Gluten Sensitivity Symptoms
Look at the symptoms to see if you might be Gluten Intolerant.

Please come back to my website for more information.  Thank-you

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Gluten Intolerance Group

Check-out this awesome Gluten Free Support Group.

Just click on this link.
Gluten Intolerance Group

Click on your State to find your local support group.
It have lots of great resources on there website.

GIG Publications
GIG Free Publications

When your done checking it out then come back to my web page for more information.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Gluten Free Breakfast and Snack Ideas

Breakfast Ideas
Gluten-Free, Low Carbohydrate and Low Glycemic Index Ideas

1) Apple slices dipped in almond butter
2) Apple with almond cheese slices (almond cheese can be found at Fred Meyers, Whole Foods or New Seasons)
3) Grainless Apple Pancakes
4) Cleanse shakes, Purification Shake Recipes or Breakfast in a Blender
5) Green Mix Protein Shake, Mix 1 scoop Greens First with 1 scoop Whey Pro Complete or 2 scoops Cleanse Shake.
6) Homemade Probiotics Yogurt
7) Handful of almonds with cucumbers or baby carrots
8) Chicken or Turkey Sausage with cucumber slices, grilled zucchini or other left over vegetables
9) Free Range Egg Omelet with spinach and tomato slices
10) Free Range hard or soft boiled eggs for a quick and easy breakfast.
11) Free Range scrambled eggs with guacamole salsa
12) To reduce the glycemic index of toast top with low glycemic index vegetables including mushrooms, asparagus, tomatoes or avocado

Snack Ideas
1) Fresh fruit, eat alone or with slices of almond cheese
2) Your favorite seeds and nuts (pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, sesame seeds, pecans, hazelnuts or almonds.
3) Sunflower crackers with cucumber slices or rice cake with zucchini and alfalfa sprouts
4) Crunchy Granola
5) Rice cakes, rye crackers, topped with avocado, almond butter, alfalfa sprouts, cucumber slices, Hummus or almond cheese.
6) Make a fruit smoothie with Protein Powder..
7) Fresh Vegetable Sticks with Tahini, Hummus, guacamole or almond butter.
8) Whole grain muffins, cookies or cakes made as wholesome as possible.
9) Gazpacho Soup
10) Millet Pudding
11) Gluten Free Almond cheese garlic bread
12) Free Range hard boiled eggs are a protein source.
13) Grated fresh coconut and grated carrots with vegetable sticks or healthy crackers, etc.
14) Chickpea crunches or Soybean nuts. Soak and cook legumes, spread on cookie sheet, brush with olive oil or butter and sprinkle with natural seasonings and herbs. Bake for 45 minutes at 350 degrees F.
15) Banana Chunks rolled in powered carob and or grated coconut.
16) Nut Butter Carob Balls or Halvah.

Other Ideas
1) Gluten Free Pancakes with applesauce
2) Crunchy Granola with Probiotics Yogurt
3) Millet Bread, Brown Rice Bread or Multi-Seed gluten-free bread with almond butter.
Some of these breads can be found at Fred Meyers in the nutrition center or at Whole Foods or New Seasons. For a more balanced meal eat with a Greens Mix Protein Shake.
4) Walrus Bread, Brown Bean Bread, Sandwich Bread with Almond Butter.
5) Probiotics Yogurt mixed with Crunchy Granola
6) Quinoa or brown rice porridge. For sweetness and some stewed apple, a few raisins and a sprinkle of cinnamon to quinoa or brown rice. Top with soy, rice or almond milk.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Gluten Free Baking Tips

1) Bake thoroughly

2) Cool Completely before storing

3) Keep equipment and work surfaces clean

4) Use parchment paper for sticky products

5) Xanthan Gum is worth the purchase; a little goes a long way!

6) Yeast Breads:
Need only one rising in the pan they will bake in; also use less flour, soupy batter.
Ingredients should be room temperature except for water which should be lukewarm, 110 degrees or less; too hot it kills the yeast, too cold the yeast won't activate.
Adding extra protein in the form of eggs, egg substitutes, or milk solids help the yeast work in yeast breads as does cider vinegar.

7) Replacing sugar with honey, use about half the amount of honey; consider extra flour to balance liquid characteristic of honey.

8) Honey is a natural preservative and baked goods containing it will last longer before turning moldy.

9) Gluten Free baked goods freeze well.

10) Mixes can be worth the investment for time saved and a successful finished product.

11) Flour blends give a better result.

12) Some people taste the "bean" in bean flours.

13) "Plan your work and work your plan"

14) Converting recipes: Use a blend of gluten free flours to replace wheat flour, and 1/2 tsp. xanthan gum for one batch of muffins, cookies, quick breads; and extra leavening like aluminum-free baking powder or soda up to 1 tsp. per batch of baked goods.

15) Bake at a lower temperature for a longer time to ensure shelf life.

16) Store products in the refrigerator to ensure shelf life.

17) Label storage containers in a consistent but different manner than products containing gluten.

18) Experiment and try to have fun; it's a new adventure and you will feel better eventually if you get the gluten out of your system.

Gluten Free Flours and Binding Agents

Almond Meal Flour

Amaranth Flour

Brown Rice Flour

Buckwheat Flour

Garbanzo Bean Flour

Millet Flour

Potato Starch

Quinoa Flour

Sorghum Flour

Soy Flour

Tapioca Flour/Starch

Arrowroot Flour

Teff Flour

Binding Agents



Guar Gum

Potato Starch

Tapioca Flour or Starch

Xanthan Gum

Gluten (to Avoid)



Barley Malt




Graham Flour

Wheat Starch

Wheat Germ






Oats ?  Oats are not guaranteed from cross contamination. 
