Sunday, December 20, 2009

How I learned that I am Gluten Intolerant

I have went to Nature Path the last year, for over a year for my acid reflux/hietal hernia. The ladies there are very caring and fun to be around. I loved it there. They have helped me out allot. I had gotten the Hietal Hernia Surgery in August 2009, it has helped allot. I still have all my Food Allergies though.

I always feel better as long as I follow the Dr's advise.

First she told be to go on an Anti-Inflammatory Diet. The book is called "The Anti-Inflammation Diet and Recipe Book" Protect yourself and your family from Heart Disease, Arthritis, Diabetes, Allergies and More. by Jessica K. Black, N.D. I got this book from the Nature Path, but you can get anywhere. My nature path has also put me on natural supplements. And she told me to use organic foods. I have lost lots of weight following this diet plan. It's mostly vegetable, some meats and some fruit. No junk food. No sugar or wheat. Dr. has me doing a castor= oil pack. You put castor oil on a special cotton cloth, (lay down on the couch or your bed), then you lay the cloth on your stomach then plastic bag, then a towel, lastly a heating pad. Do that for about an hour. It is really soothing. It is a form of detox.

Before I followed this diet, I was following "The Acid-Alkaline Diet" for Optimum Health Restore your health by creating balance in your diet.
This book talks about eating alkaline foods and drinking alkaline water and staying away form acidy foods. Both of these books are very similar food wise.

The other thing I have done is NAET treatments. Here is a link: NAET Treatment I have a book posted on "My Favorite Books" about NAET.
It helps to rid allergies and other sensitivities, like food. Read up on it. It has helped me allot and then come back to my website for more information.

I have also followed the advise of  a book called "Prescription for Nutritional Healing"A practical A-Z Reference to drug-free remedies using Vitamins, Minerals, Herbs and food supplements. By Phyllis A. Balch, CNC and James F. Balch, M.D.

These Books are located on my "I Recommend" page.
My nature path also did a food sensitivity test on me and discovered that I have several food sensitivities. Especially to: Dairy, Caffeine, Chocolate, Sugars, Wheat (and all Gluten's), Tomatoes, Potatoes and Corn.

I went to a Gluten Free Baking Class held at my Nature Path's office. The lady who was running the class gave us some very yummy treats that she had baked, they were Gluten Free and Sugar Free.

Here is a Great Gluten Free Book to start with, "The Gluten-Free Bible".

Here is a link to a webpage that talks about Gluten Sensitivity Symptoms.
Gluten Sensitivity Symptoms
Look at the symptoms to see if you might be Gluten Intolerant.

Please come back to my website for more information.  Thank-you

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