Thursday, February 11, 2010

Mixes from the Heartland Review

Lisa’s Review on “Mixes in the Heartland"

I tried a couple of the products that “Mixes in the Heartland” sent me.

The meal above is their “Texas Goulash Meal”.
I browned some hamburger in a frying pan. In a big pot added water, beef broth and crushed tomatoes. When the meat was done cooking I drained off grease. Then all I had to do is add the beef to the liquid mixture and add the packet . Pretty Easy. This particular mix is on the spicy side. But it tasted very yummy. This mix makes a big pot, so for those of you who are single can store half of it in the freezer.

Rice n Raisin Pudding Mix

This mix is called “Rice-N-Raisin Pudding Mix”

This one all I had to do is combine Milk (I used Rice Milk) and Eggs.
Then add the mixture and pour it into a 9x13 pan and let it bake for an hour. Very easy. This one has sugar in it, but it is very yummy. Mixes in the Heartland does carry gluten-free, sugar-free products as well. My husband said while he was eating his second helping said “I don’t like it at all”. I thought he was serious, but as I looked up at him he was smiling. He was teasing me again, like he always does. LOL. My husband loves to tease people. He said he liked it.

“Mixes from the Heartland” is a facility free of wheat, soy, barley, oats, eggs, nuts and by products. They are located in Amarillo, Texas. They ship to people all over.

Mixes From The Heartland Inc.

All in all I give this company a 2 Thumbs up. These mixes make it very easy and quick to make. And most of all they are very yummy. I highly recommend them.

This week my Gluten-Free, Sugar-Free Brownie Recipe is featured on What can I eat that's gluten-free?

Here is video that you are welcome to watch. It is on Making a Gluten-Free Flour Mixture.

Have a Wonderful Valentine’s Day,
Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living

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