Sunday, May 23, 2010

Gluten-Free Bloggers Spotlight

Gluten Free Bloggers

I am featured this week on "Gluten-Free Bloggers", check out my spotlight.

Gluten-Free Bloggers is a great place to link up your blog or website, get support and to meet other gluten-free bloggers out there. I encourage you to check it out.

Gluten-Free Bloggers Network

Thank-you Gluten-Free Bloggers for this honor.


  1. I have a good friend that's gf and df. I bet I can find some good recipes here! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

  2. What's in a name...May 26, 2010 at 6:10 AM

    Following you from FMBT. Pls follow me when you get the chance.

  3. Also following you from FMBT ~ I have a friend whos son can not eat Gluten...i am glad I found your blog - now I can prepare sancks for when they come over to play! Check me out when you have a chance, and sorry to hear about your step-father. Blessings!

  4. Sorry about your Step Father. I'm your newest follower from FMBT. I'm also following Networked Blogs and following you on Twitter. Please drop by for a visit and follow back.http://alittleoftheother.comHave a great week,Ellie

  5. Congratulations on being featured. You have a great blog!

  6. I just found you through New Friend Friday and am glad I did. I eat low carbs and many of your recipes would probably be right in line with them. Not sure about the brownies. Look good though!

  7. Congratulations! Great post! Kinnikinnick has an article on their blog about food and non-food products which have gluten “hidden” within them – like soy sauce and sun screen! Some good food for thought… Thanks, Shelley | Kinnikinnick Foods
