Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Custom Choice Cereal Review and Giveaway

I had the pleasure of trying out Custom Choice Cereal.

All I had to do is log onto their website, Custom Choice Cereal. It shows three steps on creating your cereal mix, very easy. To start with I clicked on "Start Mixing". (there is also the option on clicking on "Our Favorites Mixes").

Step 1. Select Your Base, "Choose Me". It gives three different choices for the base.

  • Cinnamon Granola

  • Organic Corn Flakes

  • Organic Good Morning Flakes

I chose the Cinnamon Granola. I love granola.

Step 2. Add Ingredients, "Choose Me". It gives you 12 different kinds of fruit to pick from. And off to the right hand side you will see choices for nuts and seeds.

  • Strawberries

  • Organic Wild Berries

  • Pears

  • Banana Chips

  • Cranberries

  • Organic Strawberries

  • Apricots

  • Goji Berries

  • Organic Raisins

  • Apples

  • Cherries

  • Pineapple

I chose the Strawberries, again one of my favorites. Click on "Next Please".

Step 3. Place Your Order. Then you get to name your cereal. I made it simple, I called mine "Strawberry Granola". Then You click on "Save Name". Then after that is your Shopping Cart and Check Out Page.

So you see it is really easy to order. In a few days I had my "Strawberry Granola" cereal. It comes in a 12 once bag. 6 Servings.

Now for the taste test. It tastes really good and yummy. A little more sugar than I would like for my taste, but it is very good. The cereal filled up my tummy and I was ready to go until lunch. I would say that the kids would love this cereal.

It was really fun being able to pick and choose what I wanted in my cereal. A very creative choice on Custom Choice Cereal's part. I think that the kids would enjoy helping mom pick out the cereal. And the excitement when it comes in the mail. Thumbs up to Custom Choice Cereal.

What does Custom Choice Cereal say about it's cereal? Well I will tell you.

They understand the very specific needs and concerns of being on a gluten-free diet and decided to address them by

  • choosing only the highest quality ingredients

  • focusing exclusively on gluten-free items

  • testing all of their ingredients for gluten and potential cross-contamination

  • maintaining a dedicated gluten-free facility

  • delivering your personal mix conveniently to your doorstep

They strive to make your online mixing process a fun experience while at the same time providing interesting and useful information about each of their ingredients.

To order Custom Choice Cereal, just log onto their website. Custom Choice Cereal.
Check out their website, they have their own blog and they have lots of helpful information on Celiac Disease.

Here is a video staring Hajo, he is one of the founders of the company.

In Celebration of May being National Celiac Awareness Month, Custom Choice Cereal would like to offer one lucky winner one free cereal mix.

For more information on National Awareness Month and how you can participate, click on, May is National Awareness Month - Get Involved, and Gluten Intolerance Group. Also check out National Foundation for Celiac Awareness.

Here is an nice picture of Hajo (founder of company) with the cereal.

So here it is the giveaway. As I said one luck winner will receive one free cereal mix.

1) Follow me on Google Friend Connect. (1 entry)
2) Subscribe to my RSS Feed or E-mail. (1 entry each)
3) Follow me on Twitter and send out a tweet about my giveaway. (2 entries)
4) Tweet about this giveaway daily. (2 additional entries a day)
You can use this for an example, "I'd like to win custom #glutenfree #cereal from @CustomCereal at @superglutenfree".
5) Become a fan of of mine on Facebook. (1 entry)
6) Blog about this giveaway and link to Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living
and to Custom Choice Cereal. (3 entries)
7) Add my blog to your blog roll. (2 entries)
8) Add my button to the side bar of your blog. (3 entries)
9) Follow Custom Choice Cereal on Facebook. (1 entry)
10) Follow Custom Choice Cereal on Twitter. (1 entry)
11) Follow Custom Choice Cereal on their RSS Feed or in an e-mail. (1 entry each)
12) Add Custom Choice Cereal to your blog roll. (2 entries)
13) Check out my Squidoo Lens and/or create your own Squidoo Lens. (2 entries each)
Please leave me a comment while you are there as well leave me a comment on here telling me you checked out my Squidoo Lens.
14) Check out my other blog, Mom's Misc. Adventures. (1 entry)
15) Check out my husband Mike's Website, Primerica Financial Services. (1 entry)

That gives you several possible entries for this giveaway.

Leave a comment for each entry.

Be sure and leave me your Twitter user name and Blog URL of your post.

Leave me your e-mail address or make sure it is visible on your blog so that in the event that you win this giveaway I can contact you.

This Giveaway is available for USA Only.

Giveaway goes through till June 4th. - Cool silver charms and leather bracelets design! Totally awesome sterling silver bracelets.

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