Thursday, September 30, 2010

Food and Health Carnival Sept. 30

Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living
Every Thursday I will have this Food and Health Carnival on my website.

Do you have a Favorite Recipe, a Great Tip, a Great Resource or a Giveaway? Do you have a Giveaway Linky on your blog? Or maybe you would just like to share your Food or Health Blog/Website.

Link it here to my Food and Health Carnival.

All I ask for in return is to add my new blog button above to your blog and/or a link to my website. Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living.

This week I will share with you: What is Gluten Intolerance or Celiac Disease?

I am updating my giveaway linky list on my other blog, add your linky to my list, Memes and Giveaway Linky List.

Do you have a Blog or Website? Add it to my Top 100 Blogs and Websites Directory. Please be sure and add the button on your blog or website, so that your blog will get votes.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Eco Conscious Shopping

(guest post)

“In other environmental issues we tell people to stop something, reduce their impact, reduce their damage", states US Ecologist Gary Nabhan in a recent interview. Nabhan is a ethnobotanist/gardener whose promotion of biodiversity has caught the attention of many over the years. He is known for his work in biodiversity as an ethnobotanist. Since Coming Home to Eat was published in 2001, the local food movement has ignited, causing a worldwide green epidemic.

Recently there has been a rising number of organizations and businesses that have contributed to the promotion of sustainability through conservation. The Earth Day Network has been playing a large part in bringing conservationist and green enthusiasts together, sharing ideas and discussing new ways to support the planet. Other large organizations and non-profits like Doug Band and the CGI (Clinton Global Initiative) have been working on successful emission reduction projects in the San Francisco Bay area. While climate control has continued to worsen, collaborative and individual acts are vital for any successful green campaign. As human beings, we’re constantly told to reduce our carbon footprint, consume less unhealthy foods, and spend less time in the shower! But let’s take a minute to step back and look at this from a different perspective; one that Gary Nabhan strongly suggests.

According to The United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organization, about a quarter of crop diversity is left and that a dozen species now gives 90% of the animal protein eaten globally. In accordance, just 4 crop species supply half of plant based calories in the human diet.

Nabhan promotes the idea that eating foods that are home-grown will have a greater impact on sustainability for our planet as a whole. Otherwise known as “eat what you conserve,” is a well-established theory in that by eating the fruits and vegetables that we are attempting to conserve/save, we’re promoting the granular dissemination of various plant species.

Agriculturist Marco Contiero also mentions that “biodiversity is an essential characteristic of any sustainable agricultural system, especially in the context of climate change.”[1] According to Conterio’s theory, suggesting that as individuals we tend our own crops/plants, and should make sure to purchase localized farm products at supermarkets and groceries. In the end, this condenses export/import reliance, thus reducing our carbon footprint.

Nabhan and Contiero’s theories both rely profoundly on an action oriented approach at conservation and sustainability. With an abundance of green movements following Earth Day 2010, organizations and individuals have taken a stronger following to expert opinions like the ones demonstrated by both of these highly influential agriculturalists. So be sure to visit your local farmers markets this fall to purchase your fresh fruits and vegetables.

Also, as eco-conscious individuals, don’t hesitate to stop the next time you drive by a yard stand with fresh crops. Promoting biodiversity and localized farming is a crucial piece of the conservation puzzle.

Monday, September 27, 2010

My Story of How My Son Was Born

I wanted to write about how Natural Progesterone Cream has helped me since I started using it in the year 2000 after I miscarried my first pregnancy. My Husband and I were heart broken after waiting so long to have our own children.

So here is my story. (For Reference look-up John Lee MD Two of the books he has written along with Virginia Hopkins are "What your doctor may not tell you about premenopause" and "What your doctor may not tell you about menopause") I encourage you to do your own research and come to your own conclusion. I did after I miscarried I did so much research on Natural Progesterone Cream and why women miscarry. I did not want to loose another pregnancy.

John Lee MD and read one of his books. It is an eye opener. I would be happy to answer any questions to the best of my ability.

I think my hormone imbalance started when I was in college then started up again shortly after my husband and I met at age 21. I had regular periods until a month after my husband and I met, then in one month I had two periods then after that there were not more periods. I thought this was weird. So I went to the local clinic and they gave me birth control drugs. Just want I didn't need. I wasn't ovulating so why the birth control? Then a couple of years later a doctor put me on a drug to keep my periods going. They told me if you don't have regular periods you can be at risk for cancer. Later I heard that drug which I cannot remember the name can cause cancer. I asked my doctor and he denied it of course.

When I was ready to have children. A year and half after we had been married. They doctors put me on fertility drugs, nothing happened. Finally in 1999 a doctor put me on the right dosage for me to get pregnant. We were so thrilled. Then I miscarried.

A Pastor's Wife told me about Natural Progesterone Cream and told me to read Dr. Lee's Book. "What your Doctor may not tell you about Menopause" And all the answers were right there. Why I wasn't ovulating and getting pregnant and and why I wasn't having my periods regularly. I had Estrogen Dominance. There is an Estrogen Dominance Quiz on Dr. John Lee MD's Website, if you would like to take the quiz. I was so mad why didn't anyone tell me about this along time ago.

According to Dr. Lee Natural Progesterone Cream has been around since the 1930's. Dr. Lee has had his patience's using it for over 30 years.

I went to a hormone balance seminar and further learned why allot of women have estrogen dominance.I told my doctor about this and he denied that it would work to help me get pregnant and said that he was my doctor and he knew what was best for me. And told me let's try the fertility drugs again and next time I get pregnant he would put me on Progesterone Suppositories to keep the pregnancy. Hello, what does that tell me that we need progesterone to keep pregnancies or we will miscarry. Anyways I was so mad at that doctor for not giving me the progesterone to keep my pregnancy in the first place and he would not listen to me that a natural product could help, that I stopped seeing him for several years.

When I started using the cream I felt so much better, I was sleeping better at night. I have had a regular period for 8 years now. Praise the Lord. And I have not had to take that drug with the side effects to keep my period going.

I tried using the cream like Doctor Lee suggested to get pregnant, which has helped allot of women. It is suggested in order to get pregnant instead of using the cream the regular 2 weeks. Use the cream for on days 7-28 for 6 months then go back to using it for days 14-28 and then you should ovulate. Then when you get pregnant you use 1/2 tsp. twice or even three times a day. And then to stop using the cream a week or two before the baby is to be born. I believe because of my weight issues that I have for years stopped me from getting pregnant, which is also mentioned in the book. (You rub the cream onto your skin alternating areas.)

So I went back to that doctor and told him that the cream was working for me, It just hasn't helped me to get pregnant. So he put me back on the fertility drugs and in four months I was pregnant again. Yippee. The doctor talked about putting me on some Progesterone drugs which I didn't want to do. So what I did instead is what Dr. Lee MD told me in his book to to double up on the Natural Progesterone Cream. You see Progesterone is suppose to keep rising when you are pregnant. If is drops you miscarry like I did. Anyways I found a Natural Progesterone Cream that I liked and I doubled the amount of cream I was using and I kept the pregnancy. Now we have a beautiful 4 year old boy. Who is the most pleasant smart baby.

A few of the things that Dr. Lee says that when using the cream when pregnant it produces bigger, smarter, calmer, healthier babies and that is defiantly what our son is. They also claimed it helped for Post Partum Depression. But I still went threw that after our son was born. I couldn't wait to get back on the cream. After a month after my son was born I started back on my regular dosage of 1/4 tsp. on days 14-28 of my cycle and it made me feel so much better. It still took a few months for the depression to go away but it did eventually. I have read lots of books on natural products and they all say that natural products take longer to work, so you just have to be patient, but it is so worth the wait and not virtually no side effects and is healthier. (Any side effects would be the initial getting use to the cream and making sure you use it the way it is suggested.) You use the cream according if you are in the premenopause stage or the menopause stage of your life. Women in menopause it is suggested using it days 7-28 in your monthly cycle. Premenopause it is days 14-28. 1/4 tsp. twice a day. There are much more issues that Natural Progesterone Cream can help with, such as going into menopause and dealing with hot flashes. Trying to get pregnant or PMS, Irregular Periods, and Ovarian cysts. etc. Dr. Lee even goes as far as to say that using the cream will protect against Breast Cancer. Dr. Lee has written another book called "What your doctor may not tell you about Breast Cancer" In Dr. Lee's book there is a list of Estrogen Dominance symptoms. See if there are any that you have.

I believe in using Natural Progesterone Cream and I will use it the rest of my life. If anyone has any questions you can go to Dr. John Lee's Website.
John Lee MD

Please research this for yourself and try the Natural Progesterone Cream and see for yourself. Everything that I have mentioned in this blog is what is in Dr. John Lee Md's books and on his website. There is a list of suggested Natural Progesterone Cream's listed on his website and in his books.

If I had know about this years ago I would have been able to have those four kids that I always wanted. I am just grateful with God's help and with using this cream and especially with all the prayers of everyone threw out the years we do have a baby. And we are so very grateful for our son. He is such a good boy. I love him so much and I am determined that he have a safe and happy childhood.

We ended up having a home birth. It was such a beautiful birth.
The Bradley Method of Natural Childbirth
The child birthing class we took was called "The Bradley Method of Natural Childbirth".

While in the class our instructor gave us paper on "Cytotec" also known as "Misoprostol" It is a ulcer drug that doctors have been using to induce labor. My doctor wanted to use it on me and I said no way. After what I read on the internet about it and what I saw on the news about it. The news report said that a young lady and her unborn child had died from using it because her doctor used it to induce labor.

Here is FDA's website about it. It is not approved by the FDA. In fact the FDA has a warning about it. FDA Drug Warning
Many doctors us this to begin labor.

Thank-you for reading my story on Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living.

Ovulation Calendar

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Super Market Guru

Here is a great resource for you to check out, Super Market Guru with Phil Lempert. Smarter Shopping, Healthier Eating, Better Living...

Phil Lempert is a Television & Radio News Reporter/ Newspaper Columnist/ Author/ Consumerologist/ Food Marketing Expert. One of the things he does is product reviews(I just watched him in a video doing a review on Pamela's Chocolate Brownie Mix, he gave it of score of 92).

Check out everything that is in his Site Map. One of his pages has a Food Allergy Buddy, which I love. You can list all of your allergies and print out the card. You can even pick out what design you want for your card, very cool. Keep your card in your wallet for when you go out to eat at restaurants, go on vacation, etc. so that the waiter knows what you cannot have in your meal.

You can also sign-up for the Super Market Guru Newsletter.

I hope you check out this site, I highly recommend it. It is jam packed with lots of really good information and even has recipes.

More Tips, Recipes, Resources and Giveaways to come on Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living, so stay tuned.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Link Your Giveaway Thursdays Sept. 23-28

Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living

Do you have a giveaway going on? Link it here to my Linky, every Thursday.

Your giveaway link will also be posted on my other blog, Mom's Misc. Adventures on Thursdays.

All you have to do is type in the name of your site, the name of the item you are giving away and the date the giveaway ends. Then add the direct link to your giveaway.

If you have any problems getting your link to show up try refreshing the page. If that doesn't work crop your pictures, I have found that it usually helps. If it still doesn't work e-mail your link and I will try to add it myself.

Have a wonderful week.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Upcoming Review of CSN Stores

I was contacted by a representative from CSN Stores. She asked if I would do a review a product from their store on my blog, and of course I said, Yes! You would not believe the merchandise that they carry. They carry a little bit of everything, from home decor to bread machines and more. Check out their dutch ovens.

Here is a one I like.

I decided to do a review on this pizza stone, which is what I need for my gluten-free lifestyle. I love making gluten-free pizza. I can't wait until it comes so that I can tell you all about it.

In the meantime, check out CSN Stores, you can click on their website for a full list of categories they carry. Happy Shopping.

So check back with me in a few weeks for my review on Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Lotus Foods Rice Review and Giveaway

This is a review and giveaway for Lotus Foods Rice. Lotus Foods Rice is organic and gluten-free.

Lotus Foods sent me six different varieties of their rice to try out.
  • Volcano Rice from Indonesia

  • Forbidden Rice from China

  • Jade Pearl Rice from China

  • Bhutanese Red Rice from Bhutan

  • Madagascar Pink Rice from Madagascar

  • Mekong Flower Rice from Cambodia

When Lotus Foods contacted me about trying out their rice, I said sure I would love to try them out. But I did not know that they were from other countries until I got them in the mail. I was pleasantly surprised. All the rice tasted so good. My favorite is the Volcano Rice. I used the Volcano rice in on of dinner recipes, Baked Pork Chop Dinner. The dinner turned out great and we loved the rice. All in all the rice is very good and easy to cook. I give Lotus Foods 4 stars out 5.

This is what Lotus Foods says about their company.

Easily digested, rice is a wholesome component of a balanced diet. For those with Celiac Disease, rice is an important staple. But eating plain brown or white rice – especially of the commodity varieties – day after day can grow tiresome. We offer a world of rice that will delight the senses with their array of unique colors, textures and flavors. We have a rice for every occasion. And there are no hidden ingredients in any of our rices. When you purchase a bag of Lotus Foods rice, that’s what you get. A bag of raw rice. Nothing else.

For those seeking a gluten or wheat free diet, our rices are a valuable source of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and antioxidants. For variety and an added nutritional punch, try our whole grain black, red, brown and pink rices, which are an even better source of potent antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fiber.

Since 1995, we have pioneered the introduction of exotic rice handcrafted on small family farms in remote areas of the world such as Bhutan, Bangladesh, and China, into the US market. Each rice varietal is distinguished by its terroir* and treasured for its distinctive cooking quality, taste, texture, aroma, color, and nutritional value.

We founded Lotus Foods with the intent and vision to support sustainable global agriculture by promoting production of traditional heirloom rice varieties, many of which may otherwise have become extinct, while enabling the small family rice farmer to earn an honorable living. We are the only US-based company with the unique vision and commitment to seek out small family rice farmers in developing countries and provide them a means of economic support through access to a global and sustainable marketplace economy.

You can purchase Lotus Foods Rice on their Website, Lotus Foods and on Amazon. Also keep an eye out for it at your local natural food stores. Check out Lotus Foods website, they have a vast of information.

Lotus Foods Video

Now for the giveaway

One lucky winner will receive a package of "Lotus Foods Gluten Free Rice From Around The World". That is a package of six differant rice to try out.

1) Follow me on Google Friend Connect. (1 entry)
2) Subscribe to my RSS Feed or E-mail. (1 entry each)
3) Follow me on Twitter. (1 entry)
4) Tweet about this giveaway daily. (2 additional entries a day)
You can use this for an example, "#Win Lotus Foods Rice at @superglutenfree from @lotusfoods #giveaway".
5) "Like" my blog on Facebook. (1 entry)
6) Blog about this giveaway and link to Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living and to Lotus Foods. (3 entries)
7) Add my blog to your blog roll. (2 entries)
8) Add my button to the side bar of your blog. (3 entries)
9) Follow Lotus Foods on Twitter (1 entry)
10) "Like" Lotus Foods on Facebook. (1 entry)
11) Check out my Squidoo Lens and/or create your own Squidoo Lens. (2 entries each)
Please leave me a comment while you are there as well leave me a comment on here telling me you checked out my Squidoo Lens.
12) Vote for my Blog on these Blog Directories by clicking on each of the following buttons. One additional entry per click. You can do this every 6 hours. Top Mommy Blogs can only be voted for once a day. Make sure to make a separate comment for each button you click on.

Top 100 Blogs and Websites

Mommies Faves

Vote For Use @ Top Mommy Blogs

Leave a comment for each entry.

Be sure and leave me your Twitter user name and Blog URL of your post.

Leave me your e-mail address or make sure it is visible on your blog so that in the event that you win this giveaway I can contact you.

This Giveaway is available for USA Only.

Giveaway goes through till October 3.

Giveaway Rules: All entries must be received by 11:59pm PST on October 3, 2010. A winner will be chosen by I will notify the winner by October 4, 2010 via email (please respond within 48 hours). I will also announce the winner on my blog.

DISCLAIMER: I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a sample of the products for review purposes. The opinions are completely my own based on my experience.

Procrastination and How to Stop It Now

To fully understand the term procrastination, you need to do two things: understand its basic definition and find out why people procrastinate. You can, of course, put it to a stop by using time management techniques to completely beat it out.

We always hear a lot of people making excuses for not being able to accomplish anything. These are the people who simply and easily give reasons so as to make the inability to do something a valid one. When deadlines arrive, you see them panicking. Worst, ending up as depressed as they can be for not being able to achieve a specified goal or task. It’s not too late, though. If you happen to fall into procrastination, you have the power to change now. Here’s what procrastination is all about and how to overcome it.

Basic Definition

Procrastination is the tendency to hamper the accomplishment of a specific goal by delaying or postponing the performance of a task at a later time.

Why people procrastinate

People oftentimes get into the trap of procrastination because it becomes a means in dealing with emotional and physical symptoms that come along with depression. It may become a sort of relief but it’s just a temporary one. There are various procrastination styles. See which among these styles fits you:
  • difficulty in organizing your thoughts and your actions too. Difficulty in being on track with a certain plan.
  • tasks seemed extremely great that it becomes worthless for you to just simply try.
  • negative emotions towards somebody may cause you to put things off as a means of punishing him.
  • afraid of being disfavored.
  • routines prompted you to become rebellious.
The procrastination styles mentioned earlier would possibly overlap in one of the following themes:
  • self-doubt
  • discomfort dodging
  • driven by guilt
  • habitual
When you have fully distinguished yourself from any of those procrastination styles, you should decide to get rid of it in your system by incorporating these time management techniques:
  • make a list – initially you have to list everything you need to do. That is in no particular order yet.
  • prioritize the items on your list – arrange the items on your list by deadlines. Or you can also arrange them by order of how important they are to you.
  • use a calendar – come up with a calendar with spaces for you to write your notes. You can have separate sheets for long-term plans and separate pages for short-term goals too.
  • accomplish the ones at the top of the list – take the item on top of your priority list and decide how long you can finish that specific goal.
  • fill your calendar as you meet deadlines – as you meet each deadline, make sure to fill your calendar with new tasks to do. Just make sure that you don’t overbook yourself which might eventually cause delays.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Food & Health Carnival Sept. 16

Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living
<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living" title="Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living" /></a>

Every Thursday I will have this Food and Health Carnival on my website.

Do you have a Favorite Recipe, a Great Tip, a Great Resource or a Giveaway? Do you have a Giveaway Linky on your blog? Or maybe you would just like to share your Food or Health Blog/Website.

Link it here to my Food and Health Carnival.

If you have any problems getting your link to show up try refreshing the page. If that doesn't work crop your pictures, I have found that it usually helps. If it still doesn't work
e-mail your link and I will try to add it myself.

This week I will share with you:
How I Learned that I am Gluten Intolerant

All I ask for in return is to add my new blog button above to your blog and/or a link to my website. Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living

I have have a "Blog of the Week" on my other blog, if you are interested in having your blog featured there please send me an e-mail.

Do you have a Blog or Website? Add it to my
Top 100 Blogs and Websites Directory. Please be sure and add the button on your blog or website, so that your blog will get votes.

Check out these other sites that have Food Carnivals.

Simply Sugar and Gluten-Free (Tuesdays)
Gluten-Free Homemaker (Wednesdays)
Blessed with Grace (Tuesdays)
Mother of Pearl it is (Tuesdays)
Get Healthy Cheap (Fridays)

Bread Machine Review from CSN Stores

I was contacted by a representative from CSN Stores. She asked if I would do a review a product from their store on my blog, and of course I said, Yes! You would not believe the merchandise that they carry. They carry a little bit of everything, from home decor to bread machines and more. Check out their Le Creuset Cookware Collection.

Here is a set I like.

I decided to do a review on this convection bread machine. It has a gluten-free setting, which is what I need for my gluten-free lifestyle.

Breadman Ultimate Freedom 2lb Convection Bread Machine

Bread still plays a role in a healthy diet, and it's even better for you when it's homemade without preservatives or additives. The Breadman Ultimate lets you enjoy your favorite loaves, still warm from baking. It offers the versatility of baking 1-lbs. to 2-lb. horizontal loaves. Make desserts, breakfast breads and more.

•Over 300 program combinations
•Bakes 1 lb., 1.5 lb., or 2 lb. loaf
•New gluten free and low carb programs
•New convection feature
•Patented fruit, nut, and herb "add-in" dispenser
•Makes pizza, bagel, and pasta dough’s
•Cake, "batter breads," and jam programs
•Horizontal baking pan
•Removable lid with see through window
•Instant recall 60 minute power failure back up
•Oven light
•24 hour delay bake
•Bake only with variable temperature
•Overall dimensions: 15.25” H x 12.5” W x 9.5” D

This bread machine is wonderful. I love all the settings it has, especially the gluten-free setting. I would prefer that manufacturers program the gluten-free setting for longer rising time and a longer baking time. I love that it has a baking only setting, when the gluten-free setting is done making the bread, I set the baking only setting for 20 minutes. Then the bread seems to be baked enough. There is a programmable setting so that you can program your bread to mix, rise and bake for the time settings that you want. This bread machine is a convection bread machine so that it bakes evenly all around the bread you are baking, I love that feature. I am still trying out gluten-free recipes on this bread machine to get the perfect bread recipe that I can share with my reader's. So far the couple of recipes that I have tried have tasted really good. I am trying to get the rising time right so that the bread does not sink back down while it is baking. I think that I will have to play with the settings to make the rising and the baking time longer. All in all I think that this is an amazing bread machine. I give this bread machine 4 stars out of 5, only because I think that the gluten-free setting needs to have a longer rise and baking time.

It only took CSN Stores a week and I had my bread machine at my house. I give CSN Stores 5 stars out 5 for ease of online ordering and for the quick delivery of my product. I highly recommend CSN Stores for your online shopping.

Check out CSN Stores, you can click on their website for a full list of categories they carry. Happy Shopping.

Thank-you CSN Stores for letting me write a review on this wonderful bread machine on Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Food & Health Carnival Sept. 9

Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living
<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living" title="Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living" /></a>

Every Thursday I will have this Food and Health Carnival on my website.

Do you have a Favorite Recipe, a Great Tip, a Great Resource or a Giveaway? Do you have a Giveaway Linky on your blog? Or maybe you would just like to share your Food or Health Blog/Website.

Link it here to my Food and Health Carnival.

If you have any problems getting your link to show up try refreshing the page. If that doesn't work crop your pictures, I have found that it usually helps. If it still doesn't work
e-mail your link and I will try to add it myself.

This week I will share with you:

All I ask for in return is to add my new blog button above to your blog and/or a link to my website. Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living

I have have a "Blog of the Week" on my other blog, if you are interested in having your blog featured there please send me an e-mail.

Do you have a Blog or Website? Add it to my
Top 100 Blogs and Websites Directory. Please be sure and add the button on your blog or website, so that your blog will get votes.

Check out these other sites that have Food Carnivals.

Simply Sugar and Gluten-Free (Tuesdays)
Gluten-Free Homemaker (Wednesdays)
Blessed with Grace (Tuesdays)
Mother of Pearl it is (Tuesdays)
Get Healthy Cheap (Fridays)

Katz Gluten-Free Giveaway Winner

Congratulations, to my two winners of The Katz Gluten-Free Giveaway. #93 Anonymous will receive $25 to spend on Katz Gluten-Free Baked Goods. And #16 Marla will receive a sample box. I used random to determine the winners.

Katz Gluten-Free operates out of a state-of-the art facility, which has been Certified Gluten-Free by the Gluten-Free Certification Organization (a program of the Gluten Intolerance Group), for their unmatched reliability in complying with strict gluten-free standards. Every single product that bears their label consits of only pure, high quality and fresh ingredients. Their production facility meets and exceeds industry standards for cleanliness and efficiency. All of their products are thoroughly researched and taste-tested to guaranteed goodness in every bite. Smart shoppers nationwide have acknowledged the incomparable taste and quality of their products by repeatedly choosing the Katz label for their dietary needs.

Founded by an individual who is gluten intolerant, Katz Gluten-Free personally understands the unique demands of the gluten-free market, a quality that distinguishes their company and enables them to consistently create products that revolutionize the taste and texture of gluten-free baked goods.

You can purchase Katz Gluten-Free baked goods at their website, Katz Gluten-Free. Check out their store locator to find a store in your area.

Thank-you everyone for entering my giveaway. I really appreciate all of you.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

3 Wonderful Homemade Gift Ideas Straight From Your Kitchen

You can give out gifts using stuff or ingredients that are readily available in the house. Some great homemade gift ideas that can be found or made in your kitchen are chocolate-dipped nuts, molded candles and muffin mix in a jar.

Gift-giving does not have to be difficult or expensive. In fact, you don’t always have to step out of the house and hit the malls to look for presents for your loved ones. You can find and make your own gifts using stuff you already have at home, particularly in your kitchen. From wrapped nut gifts to homemade cookies, the great thing about homemade gifts is that you can add a personal and unique touch to it and make the person feel that it really comes from you.

Chocolate-dipped nuts

For the friend or special someone who is a chocoholic, chocolate-dipped nut gifts will definitely satisfy their sweet tooth. For the recipe, you will need a cup of semisweet chocolate chips, 2 tablespoons of butter, 1 egg, 1 cup powdered sugar, sifted, ½ teaspoon vanilla, ½ cup chopped peanuts, a dash of salt and flaked coconut. Over low heat, melt the chocolate and butter into a medium saucepan. After melting, allow it to cool until lukewarm. Beat in the egg until smooth and mix in the sifted sugar, salt and vanilla. Mix in half of the coconut flakes and peanuts. Let the mixture cool for an hour. After cooling, roll them into 1 inch balls into the remainder of the coconut flakes. Chill the balls for three hours. This recipe is fairly easy to make and yields about 30 chocolate-dipped nuts. You can put these sweets into a personalized jar or box. Add a ribbon and a sincere note to make it even sweeter.

Molded candles

Candles make cute presents and are functional as well as decorative. You will only need to buy the paraffin candle wax and candlewick if you don’t already have it. Or, use old, used candles. The other things you need may be readily available, like a heavy pot for melting the wax and a cupcake or jelly mold. The first thing to do is to melt the wax in the pot. Make sure it doesn’t get too hot and, when the wax is ready, prepare the wick by dipping it into the wax a few times. This will give it a ‘wax coating’. Make a small hole into the jelly or cupcake mold for the wick to be inserted in. Pull the wick through and pour the wax into the mold. Make sure it doesn’t spill or reach the brim, then allow it to cool.
In a while, you will notice that the top part will “shrink”, pour a little layer of wax on it and leave it to cool. To remove the finished candle from the mold, you can run the outer part of the mold with hot water and it will easily slip out. You can make as many candles as you want. Just put them in a fancy box with a special note attached to it.

A jar of muffin mix

A jar of muffin mix is a wonderful gift idea for people who love to bake but may not have the time to do so. You will need a cup of vegetable shortening, 1/3 cup of baking powder, 2/3 cup of sugar and a tablespoon of salt. Mix all the ingredients in a bowl. Cut the shortening into the mixture and distribute evenly. Put the mix in an airtight container or jar. Decorate the jar with ribbons and paste fancy paper on its surface. You can write notes and the muffin recipe on a fancy paper, too.

Gifts do not have to be expensive or bought from a store. Usually, people pay more attention to the thought behind the present. Homemade gifts are a great way of expressing yourself and letting the other person now that you actually made a gift just for them.

You can easily convert any of your recipes into these gift ideas or use some of my gluten-free recipes.

Do you have some of your own gift ideas, I would love to hear them.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

42 Easy Gluten-Free Recipe EBook

Free eCookbook: 42 Easy Gluten-Free Recipes, featuring over 55 pages of spectacular gluten-free recipes + FaveDiets Quick and Healthy Recipes newsletter for FREE! Get this FREE eCookbook collection of crowd-pleasing gluten-free recipes perfect anytime. You’ll find tons of awesome gluten-free recipes, including Gluten Free Desserts, Gluten Free Chicken Recipes and Vegetarian Gluten Free Meals. The eCookbook has easy-to-follow step-by-step instructions for favorites, including Peach and Blueberry Crumble (page 19), Parmesan Chicken (page 28) and Stuffed Mushrooms (page 41). Click Here

Check out these links from Fave Diets:
Gluten-Free Recipes and 25 Top Notch Gluten-Free-Recipes.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Food & Health Carnival September 2

Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living
<center><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living" title="Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living" /></a>

Every Thursday I will have this Food and Health Carnival on my website.

Do you have a Favorite Recipe, a Great Tip, a Great Resource or a Giveaway? Do you have a Giveaway Linky on your blog? Or maybe you would just like to share your Food or Health Blog/Website.

Link it here to my Food and Health Carnival.

If you have any problems getting your link to show up try refreshing the page. If that doesn't work crop your pictures, I have found that it usually helps. If it still doesn't work e-mail your link and I will try to add it myself.

This week I will share with you: Gluten Free Baking Tips

All I ask for in return is to add my new blog button above to your blog and/or a link to my website. Lisa's Gluten-Free Advice and Healthy Living

I have have a "Blog of the Week" on my other blog, if you are interested in having your blog featured there please send me an e-mail.

Do you have a Blog or Website? Add it to my Top 100 Blogs and Websites Directory. Please be sure and add the button on your blog or website, so that your blog will get votes.

Check out these other sites that have Food Carnivals.
Simply Sugar and Gluten-Free (Tuesdays)
Gluten-Free Homemaker (Wednesdays)
Blessed with Grace (Tuesdays)
Mother of Pearl it is (Tuesdays)
Get Healthy Cheap (Fridays)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

New Layout

I have a new layout for my website.
I needed more functionality. I will eventually get a new header and button from my good friend, Tree over at Button Connections.
I hope you like it.