Is your body sensitive to gluten and you are unable to combat it? If yes then do not panic, because you are among the 6% of the total population which is suffering from gluten sensitivity or gluten intolerance. Gluten sensitivity is a condition in which the consumption of gluten leads to abdominal discomfort, pain, blotting, migraines and many other disorders. In its severe form, gluten sensitivity may even result in schizophrenia and muscular disturbances.
For such people who are sensitive to gluten or have celiac disease, any intake of foods containing gluten can destroy immune system and damage small intestines. According to medical practitioners, the only way to treat sensitivity is by the use of gluten-free diet.
Some practitioners are of the view that there is no such thing as a gluten-free diet and that this term is only used to refer to the level of gluten, which is harmless for the human body. Unfortunately though, nobody knows for sure what this ‘harmless amount’ is. According to one study, this level is 10 mg of gluten per day but again this is an uncertain figure because it varies from person to person.
Everybody knows that living a gluten-free lifestyle is tough. Gluten is found not only in edibles but also in many other items like balms, lipsticks, toothpastes and other personal care products. I know this because I am also sensitive to gluten. Following are some tips I’m sharing with you just you could enjoy a gluten-free.
1. First of all, identify your level of sensitivity and intolerance by observing which foods trigger a reaction in you and what are the ingredients used in them. There are many ingredients that go by different names in the market. Identify all the of them and check your body resistant to each one of them.
2. The list of the foods containing gluten should be at your fingertips. If you can learn the list by heart, it would be best. If you cannot memorize, you should keep that list with you all the time. You can even jot it down on your phone. Before buying any item, always read its ingredients carefully. Do it even for the products you know are gluten free because, there could be any ingredient, which the manufacturers added only recently and you are not familiar with it.
3. If you are going to dine out in a restaurant, do not start eating even if you are damn hungry. It is said that the hungrier you are, the more likely you are to compromise on gluten free foods. Always take something to munch on and ask the chefs to make special gluten free food. If they don’t offer gluten free food, you can order something like plain meat, fish fried in olive oil or some steam cooked vegetables that don’t do any harm.
4. If you are doubtful about the presence of the gluten in the food, just leave it! Some gluten free foods such as barley, bran, bulgur, wheat, spelt, orzo, rye, udon and farina contain rich amount of gluten and should be avoided at any cost. Some foods, which you should suspect include food starch, soups, artificial flavours and colours, mustard, salad dressings and brown rice syrup.
5. Avoid cross contamination at all costs. Cross contamination is when gluten food comes in contact with the gluten free food. To avoid cross contamination, always wash the cooking surfaces and utensils before using them. Don’t fry gluten free food in the same oil which is used to fry gluten food. Don’t use same sifter and toaster for both types of foods and if one chef is cooking both the meals, ask him to wash his hands properly before shifting from one meal to another.
Author Bio:
Susan Smith is a capable wholesale suppliers and B2B marketing expert. She writes frequently on the topics related to wholesalers, wholesale clothing and trade suppliers.
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